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This repository contains mini scripts which help in increasing efficieny by reducing repetetive work and other Addons too.

Directories are structured with respect to programming/script languages.

|____RubyScripts # Contains Ruby Scripts
|____PythonScripts # Python Scripts
| |
| |__RemoveRedColor # Python script to remove red color from image
| |
| |__TemplateFilling # Sript to fill template reading data from csv file
|____VimConf #Vim Configuration
|____TmuxConf #Tmux Configuration
|____OpenboxConf #Openbox Window Manager Config
| |
| |____obconf
| |
| |____obmenu
|____ShellScripts # Shell Scripts
| |
| | # Simple shortcuts for faster travel in console mode
| |
| | # Simple Extract utitlity for Console mode
| |
| | # Import 256 colors in Console
| |
| | # Tree command in shell script
| |
| | # To run Java program on Android in Termux
| |
| | # Send mail when load on server is high
|____EmacsConf #Emacs Configuration
|____pdfExtractor #It is a command-line utility to extract input-field values from a fillable PDF.
|____PhpScripts # PHP Scripts