A module for EmonCMS which displays a form where you can set up a schedule for your pill reminder system. ##Requirements
- Mosquitto library
- PHP MQTT Mosquitto Client
- EmonCMS
##Installation This module uses PHP MQTT client which uses Mosquitto library. You need to install first the Mosquitto library and then PHP MQTT client.
###Mosquitto library installation
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
sudo apt-get update
- If you don't have
dosudo apt-get install python-software-properties
- You need to have at least v1.3 so libmosquitto0 is not enough for you. Because of the bug you need to install libmosquitto-dev instead of libmosquitto1-dev. So run:
sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev
- Now you are ready to install PHP MQTT client
###PHP MQTT Client installation
- Run
pecl install Mosquitto-alpha
- Probably you need to add
line to php.ini file. - EmonCMS pill modules uses SSL in MQTT client so you need to run
c_rehash <path to capath>
. More info. - Now you are ready to install EmonCMS module
###EmonCMS pills module installation
- Go to: path to EmonCMS installation/Modules
- Create new folder called "pills"
- Copy all the files from this repository into "pills" folder
- That's it! You can check it by going to http://yourdomain.com/pills/configure
More information about modules in emonCMS.
##Possibe URL's for this module
- http://yourdomain.com/pills/configure - The main form for setting up schedule
- http://yourdomain.com/pills/configure.json - You can see here the current schedule set up in json format
- http://yourdomain.com/pills/pillNames.json - The list of all pill names entered into databse. Used by module itself. Probably not very useful for a user.
##Database Schema CREATE TABLE Cells ( user_id INT, deadline INT, importance TINYINT, cell_index TINYINT, PRIMARY KEY (user_id, cell_index) )
CREATE TABLE Pill_names (
CREATE TABLE Names_in_cells (
user_id INT NOT NULL,
cell_index TINYINT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, cell_index, name),
FOREIGN KEY (user_id, cell_index) REFERENCES Cells(user_id, cell_index),
FOREIGN KEY (name) REFERENCES Pill_names(name)
- Form includes autocomplete functionality which helps user to enter pill name. This is chosen instead of having huge list where the user would need to scroll a lot to find particular pill.
- Button for copying settings from one cell to all others. This way user doesn't need to fill in repetitive data for all cells 28 times.
- Button for copying settings from one day to all others.
- Storing all the schedule data in the database
- Sending the schedule to the broker after each schedule update.