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Releases: GreedyGame/gg-android-sample

v0.1.0 - 26/04/2023

26 Apr 16:42
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  • Breaking Changes:
    • Updated minimum Android SDK version to API 19 to align with Google AdMob.
    • Upgrade dependency to
    • Removed AppOpenAds orientation.
      • Starting from v0.1.0, orientation for AppOpenAds need not be set by the developer. The interfaces related to this are also removed. The SDK will provide the ad in the orientation the device is in.
  • Banner and Native ads will now reload by default when there is no fill.
    • Added setMaxRetry(int) to GGAdview
      This value is the maximum number of times the ad will try to load.
    • Added setRetryIntervalInSeconds(int) to GGAdview
      This value is the interval in which the ad load retry should happen. This value should be at least 5 seconds.
  • Support for Admob v22.x.x
    SDKX is fully updated to support this new version of Admob. The recommended version of Admob SDK is 22.0.0.

v0.0.99 - 21/03/2023

26 Apr 16:08
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  • Collection of Advertising Id can be disabled
    To prevent SDKX from collecting advertising id, set the additional flag in AppConfig Builder using .setCollectAdvId(false)

v0.0.94 - 12/02/2022

26 Apr 16:01
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  • Auto height for Native Ads
    Until v0.0.93, developers had to manually set a property adsMaxHeight when integrating native ads along with banner ads in a float unit. This was a cause of confusion and not very friendly.
    Starting with 0.0.94, when native ads are being shown, if the height is unspecified, SDKX will auto-calculate the maximum possible height and display the ad. This should be a natural flow for developers and make the integration even easier.
    If ad's max height is specified, it will be respected.
  • Bug fixes and Crash fixes

If you are unable to upgrade to v0.0.94, try adding the below line to the repositories block of your project-level build.gradle file.
maven { url "" }

v0.0.91 - 28/08/2021

26 Apr 15:48
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  • Breaking change:
    Mopub has been removed
    Mopub cannot be activated anymore in SDKX. The methods have been removed.
  • Fixed multiple ad load callbacks with interstitial ads
    Multiple AdLoad callbacks were triggered when interstitial ads were used with prefetch. This is fixed now.
  • Native ads as backfill for AppOpen ads
    We can now use native ads as backfill for app open ad
  • Crash fixes

v0.0.90 - 02/08/2021

26 Apr 15:37
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  • Breaking Change:
    • Prefetch has a new syntax
      Developers who are using prefetch and are integrating or have integrated SDKX v0.0.89 should upgrade to 0.0.90. Please follow this documentation for implementing prefetch.
  • Ad Prefetch issues fixed
    Fixed the issue of Ads not displaying when prefetch is done on units other than native and banner.
  • S2S Interstitial crash fix
    There was a crash in SDKX when the S2S Interstitial was displayed and the screen is rotated. This has been fixed.

v0.0.89 - 21/07/2021

26 Apr 15:23
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  • Breaking Changes:
    v0.0.89 of SDKX is a breaking upgrade. There have been a lot of package changes, changes in interfaces and the dependencies have been updated. Most importantly, SDKX will now support 20.x.x series of Admob SDK for Android. If you are still on previous versions of SDK consider migrating to 0.0.89 or later versions.
    To make the migration smoother, we have made a migration document which you can find here.
  • Import issues with Android Studio fixed
    Starting from v0.0.89 you would not see any error in Android Studio during integrations. Necessary imports and autocomplete will work with this version.
  • Support for Rewarded Ads
    SDKX will now support rewarded ad partners.