The goal of the application is to be a unified collection system of all the different technologies that are able to monitor devices. The application will export the desired metrics into a TSDB, to be queried and manage alerts. Realtime-AI will be able to listen for alerts from open source alerting products via web hooks, and make intelligent decisions based on the alerts to launch the appropriate corrections.
- Python 3.7 or higher
- ElasticSearch 7.X or greater, or Influxdb 1.8 (2.x support coming soon)
- python3.7 -m venv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a configuration file that contains all of the routers you want to monitor
- Source your virtual environment if it isn't already
- python -c <config-file.ini> -b -r
(venv) ott-003:~/Realtime-Network-Monitoring/rtnm > python -h
usage: [-h] -c CONFIG -b BATCH_SIZE [-w WORKER_POOL_SIZE] [-v] [-r]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Location of the configuration file
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size of the upload to ElasticSearch
-w WORKER_POOL_SIZE, --worker-pool-size WORKER_POOL_SIZE
Number of workers in the worker pool used for uploading
-v, --verbose Enable debugging
-r, --retry Enable retrying
#For Cisco native model driven telemetry (MDT)
io = input
#required, only supporting dial in right now
dial = in
#required, only supporting self-describing-gpb as of now
encoding = self-describing-gpb
#required, letting RTNM know we are using cisco native proto
format = cisco-ems
#A list of subscriptions to subscribe to on the box
subscriptions = CPU, MEMORY, DPA
address =
port = 57400
username = root
password = root
# If using TLS authenticaiton need to get the pem file off the router first
pem-file = Router.pem
# Can be set to False if you don't want to use gRPC's builtin gZip compression
compression = True
io = input
dial = in
#required, only support PROTO as of now
encoding = PROTO
format = gnmi
#Comma separated list of sensor paths to monitor
sensors = Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-statsd-oper:infra-statistics/interfaces/interface/latest/generic-counters
sample-interval = 30
#Type of mode to sample, defined in the gNMI proto file
subscription-mode = SAMPLE
stream-mode = STREAM
address =
port = 57400
username = root
password = lablab
pem-file = Router.pem
compression = True
#Dialout server that will listen on an address and port
io = input
dial = out
address =
port = 7777
io = output
#required, can either be elasticsearch or influxdb, or influxdbv2. Must specify one of these
type = influxdb
address =
port = 8086
username = admin
password = password
database = db-test
For each input section of the config file a separate process is spawned and a gRPC channel is created. When data is flowed from the device to the processes it is added to a queue in which the main process batches the data and sends it to a worker pool for the parsing and uploading of the data. This decoupling strategy allows RTNM to handel GBs of data a second all the while having robustness.