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TCPSnitch Web

Web app live at to centralize, visualize and analyze the traces gathered by tcpsnitch, a tracing tool designed to investigate the interactions between an application and the TCP/IP stack.

Stack overview

  • Ruby 2.3 (MongoDB driver does not support 2.4)
  • Rails 5
  • Puma
  • Nginx
  • MongoDB 3.4
  • Postgresql
  • Redis for storing background jobs
  • Memcached for fragment caching

Main gems

  • Mongoid ORM framework for MongoDB.
  • Sidekiq for background jobs processing.
  • Carrierwave for file uploads.
  • Chartkick to create charts.
  • Activeadmin for administration interface.
  • Whenever for managing Cron jobs.
  • Capistrano for deployment.

Sidekiq jobs

We currently use 4 priority queues to organize the background jobs:

  • default, used for trace import jobs (archive import and socket trace import).
  • low, xlow, and xxlow to compute statistics on app traces, process traces and socket traces respectively.


Currently, the rake db:seed task is always executed on deploy. It destroys all Stats and StatCategories before reseeding them. This is temporary.