Simple downloader that accepts a few arguments on the command line and does it's thing.
usage: [-h] [-u URL] [-o OUTPUT] [-g GLOB_PATTERN] [-v VERBOSE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --url Input URL (the bit after
-o, --output Output directory, if not specified it will download here
-g, --glob_pattern Glob Pattern if you only want certian files (ie. *7z, *mkv, *png)
-v, --verbose Verbose, whether you want to see the output
$ python3 -u YOURURLHERE -o ~/Downloads -g *mkv -v
In this example the python interpreter will execute the script with the following options:
- URL where you want it to download to (Keep in mind that it will create a folder named the same as your URL to download into)
- Output folder to download to ie. ~/Downloads or /home/$USERNAME/Downloads
- Glob Pattern, which in this case would be just the mkv files in the archive your downloading
- Verbose option meaning I want to watch it work and see the progress of each download