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Module Documentation GM_BASS3

Grocel edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 1 revision


Binary modules for creating GLua bindings to the BASS sound API.


This module will make you able to stream various formats of sound and play them as 3D world sound. Getting the FFT spectrum and tag information of a stream is also possible. On the server the sound is always muted. So far it is available for Windows and Linux.


  • Add Valve Filesystem support for dedicated servers.
  • Support more tags and make the output format nicer to work with.
  • Maybe EAX Support
  • Compile for OSX or find someone doing it for me.

Lua references


This is a list of all enumerations. They are defined to match these of GMod to make migration easier.

However you should prefer to only use BASS3.ENUM.* for BASS3 related functions as the GMod ones could be changed anytime. Also never pass the numbers directly, as they could be changed too.

Name Value Description
BASS3.ENUM.CHANNEL_STOPPED 0 The channel is stopped.
BASS3.ENUM.CHANNEL_PLAYING 1 The channel is playing.
BASS3.ENUM.CHANNEL_PAUSED 2 The channel is paused.
BASS3.ENUM.CHANNEL_STALLED 3 The channel is buffering.
Name Value Description
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_UNKNOWN -1 Unknown error!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_MEM 1 Memory error!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_FILEOPEN 2 Can't open the file!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_DRIVER 3 Can't find a driver!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_BUFLOST 4 The sample buffer was lost!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_HANDLE 5 Invalid channel!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_FORMAT 6 Unsupported sample format!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_POSITION 7 Invalid position!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_INIT 8 BASS_Init has not been successfully called!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_START 9 BASS_Start has not been successfully called!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_ALREADY 14 Already initialized, paused or used!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NOCHAN 18 Can't get a free channel!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_ILLTYPE 19 An illegal type was specified!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_ILLPARAM 20 An illegal parameter was specified! (URL wrong?)
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NO3D 21 No 3D support!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_DEVICE 23 Illegal device! (No sound card, no access?)
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_FREQ 25 Illegal sample rate!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NOTFILE 27 The stream is not a file stream!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NOHW 29 No hardware voices available!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_EMPTY 31 The MOD music has no sequence data!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NONET 32 No internet connection could be opened!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_CREATE 33 Couldn't create the file!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NOFX 34 Effects are not available!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_NOTAVAIL 37 Requested data is not available!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_DECODE 38 The channel is a decoding channel!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_DX 39 A sufficient DirectX version is not installed!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_TIMEOUT 40 Connection timedout!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_FILEFORM 41 Unsupported file format!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_SPEAKER 42 Speaker not found!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_CODEC 44 Codec not supported!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_ENDED 45 The channel has ended!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_BUSY 46 The device is busy!
BASS3.ENUM.ERROR_FILESYSTEM 102 Missing Filesystem!
Name Value Description
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_16 10 8 levels for normal, 32 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_32 11 16 levels for normal, 64 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_64 12 32 levels for normal, 128 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_128 13 64 levels for normal, 256 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_256 0 128 levels for normal, 512 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_512 1 256 levels for normal, 1024 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_1024 2 512 levels for normal, 2048 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_2048 3 1024 levels for normal, 4096 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_4096 4 2048 levels for normal, 8192 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_8192 5 4096 levels for normal, 16384 levels for complex.
BASS3.ENUM.FFT_16384 6 8192 levels for normal, 32768 levels for complex.
Name Value Description
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NONE 0 No modes, same as "".
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_3D 1 Play as 3D world sound, same as "3d".
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_LOOP 2 Loop the sound, same as "loop".
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_MONO 4 Play in mono, same as "mono".
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NOPLAY 8 Don't play on load, same as "noplay".
BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NOBLOCK 16 Disable streaming in blocks, same as "noblock".
Name Value Description
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_META 0 Receives the "META" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_HTTP 1 Receives the "HTTP" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_ICY 2 Receives the "ICY" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_ID3 3 Receives the "ID3" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_MF 4 Receives the "MF" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_MP4 5 Receives the "MP4" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_APE 6 Receives the "APE" tag information.
BASS3.ENUM.TAG_OGG 7 Receives the "OGG" tag information.


Name Arguments Returned values Description
BASS3.CreateChannel() nil IBASS3Channel Channel Creates an empty IBASS3Channel object.
BASS3.DecodeError() number Errorcode string Errorstring Returns the description of the given errorcode.
BASS3.PlayFile() string Path

{string or MODE_*-Enum} Flags

function Callback
bool Success Play a local file at the given path relative to the garrysmod content folder.

The Flags argument accepts a string as like as sound.PlayFile() does and the recommend MODE_*-Enums.

The Callback is called after the loading is done.
Its aguments are:
IBASS3Channel Channel
number Errorcode
string Errorstring

Returns true when the loading process was successfully started.
BASS3.PlayURL() string URL

{string or MODE_*-Enum} Flags

function Callback
bool Success Play an online file or stream at the given URL.

Basically it works as same as BASS3.PlayFile().
Name Value Description
BASS3.ModuleVersion 1 Version of gm_bass3.
BASS3.Version 2041100 Version of the BASS sound engine.

IBASS3Channel object

This is the channel object. With this object you can change and receive information of a sound. All Functions are designed to match their counter parts of IGModAudioChannel in their behavior. The channel can be recycled inprove performance. Multiple references can lead to one channel object.

However when the last reference of a channel object gets out of scope the channel will be stopped and removed. So be careful. Since all channels are muted on the server, all 3D sound, volume and balance related functions are clientside only.

Name Additional arguments Returned values Description
IBASS3Channel:BalanceFadeTo() float Balance

float time
nil Clientside

Fade the sound balance to the given value for the given time in secounds.
IBASS3Channel:BalanceIsFading() nil bool Fading Clientside

Returns true if the sound balance is fading.
IBASS3Channel:EnableLooping() nil bool Loop Enable or disable Looping.
IBASS3Channel:FFT() table FFT

FFT_*-Enum Size

bool RemoveDCBias = false

bool RemoveHannWindow = false
number Count It fills the given table with the first half of the current FFT spectrum.

The values are ranging from 0 to 1.
The FFT_*-Enum defines the size of the data. The data size is returned.

Also see:
IBASS3Channel:FFTComplex() table FFT

FFT_*-Enum Size

bool RemoveDCBias = false

bool RemoveHannWindow = false
number Count Similar to BASS3Channel:FFT(), but with different more complete data.

The given table is filled with complex numbers.

The real parts are in uneven indexes, while the imaginary parts are in even indexes.
So the first index is the real part of the first complex number.

All values are between from -1 and 1.
IBASS3Channel:Get3DCone() nil float InnerAngle

float OuterAngle

float OuterVolume

Returns 3D cone of the sound channel.
IBASS3Channel:Get3DFadeDistance() nil float Min

float Max

Returns 3D fade distances of a sound channel.
IBASS3Channel:GetBalance() nil float Balance Returns the current sound balance.
IBASS3Channel:GetBitsPerSample() nil number Bits Returns the bit count per sample.
IBASS3Channel:GetFileFormat() nil string Fileformat Returns the format of the stream. Ex: "MP3", "WAV"
IBASS3Channel:GetFileName() nil string Filename Returns the URL or Path of the stream.
IBASS3Channel:GetLength() nil float Length Returns the length of the streamed file in seconds.

Results less then zero are indicating an endless stream.
IBASS3Channel:GetLevel() nil float Left

float Right
Returns the sound levels.
IBASS3Channel:GetPos() [Vector Position]

[Vector Direction]

[Vector Velocity]
Vector Position

Vector Direction

Vector Velocity

Returns position, direction and velocity of the channel.

If you put vectors into the optional arguments, the function will change and return the given ones instead of creating new ones. Useful for recycling.
IBASS3Channel:GetSamplingRate() nil number Frequency Returns the sampling rate.
Usually it is 44100 Hz.
IBASS3Channel:GetState() nil CHANNEL_*-Enum State Returns the channel state.

See the CHANNEL_* table.
IBASS3Channel:GetTag() TAG_*-Enum Type

[table Tags]
table Tags Returns the channel tags to a table.

The table is indexed by string or numbers depending on the given type.

If you pass the optional table, it will change and return this instead of creating a one. Useful for recycling.
IBASS3Channel:GetTime() nil float TimePos Returns the current time position in seconds.
IBASS3Channel:GetVolume() nil float Volume Returns the current volume.
IBASS3Channel:Is3D() nil bool 3D Clientside

Returns if the channel is in 3D mode.
IBASS3Channel:IsBlockStreamed() nil bool BlockStreamed Returns if the channel is streamed in blocks.
IBASS3Channel:IsEndless() nil bool Endless Returns if the channel is endless.
Usually online radios are endless.
IBASS3Channel:IsLooping() nil bool Looping Returns if the channel is looping.
IBASS3Channel:IsOnline() nil bool Online Returns if the channel streaming from an online source.
IBASS3Channel:IsSeeking() nil bool Seeking Returns if the channel is seeking to new time position.
IBASS3Channel:IsValid() nil bool Valid Returns if the channel is valid.
IBASS3Channel:Pause() nil nil Pauses the channel.
IBASS3Channel:Play() bool Restart = false nil Plays the channel.
Restarts it if the given bool is true.
IBASS3Channel:Remove() nil nil Stops the channel and frees it.
IBASS3Channel:Set3DCone() float InnerAngle = -1

float OuterAngle = -1

float OuterVolume = -1
nil Clientside

Sets 3D cone of the sound channel.

A value set to nil or -1 will remain unchanged.
IBASS3Channel:Set3DFadeDistance() float Min = -1

float Max = -1
nil Clientside

Sets 3D fade distances of a sound channel.

A value set to nil or -1 will remain unchanged.
IBASS3Channel:SetBalance() float Balance nil Clientside

Set the sound balance to the given value.

Balance values:
-1 = Left
0 = Center
1 = Right
IBASS3Channel:SetPos() Vector Position = Vector(0,0,0)

Vector Direction = Vector(0,0,0)

Vector Velocity = Vector(0,0,0)
nil Clientside

Sets the position, direction and velocity of sound channel in case the channel has a 3d option set.
IBASS3Channel:SetTime() float TimePos nil Set the time position to the given value.

It seeks to the position, so the position not set immediately.
IBASS3Channel:SetVolume() float Volume nil Clientside

Set the volume to the given value.

Volume values:
0 = Muted
1 = Full volume
IBASS3Channel:Stop() nil nil Stops the channel.
IBASS3Channel:PlayFile() string Path

{string or MODE_*-Enum} Flags

[function Callback]
bool Success Same as BASS3.PlayFile(), but with the Callback being optional.

This changes the channel object instead of creating a new one. Useful for recycling.
IBASS3Channel:PlayURL() string URL

{string or MODE_*-Enum} Flags

[function Callback]
bool Success Same as BASS3.PlayURL(), but with the Callback being optional.

This changes the channel object instead of creating a new one. Useful for recycling.
IBASS3Channel:VolumeFadeTo() float Volume

number time
nil Clientside

Fade the sound volume to the given value for the given time in secounds.
IBASS3Channel:VolumeIsFading() nil bool Fading Clientside
Returns true if the sound volume is fading.

Lua examples

These examples should help you to understand how to use gm_bass3.

Loading the module


-- Let's see what version we have got.
print("BASS3 Version ", BASS3.Version)
print("GM_BASS3 Version ", BASS3.ModuleVersion)

Creating a channel from a radio stream.

if g_channel then g_channel = g_channel:Remove() end

local url = ""

-- String flags
-- BASS3.PlayURL(url, "mono noblock", function(ch, err, errtxt)

-- Enum flags, recommend
BASS3.PlayURL(url, bit.bor(BASS3.ENUM.MODE_MONO, BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NOBLOCK), function(ch, err, errtxt)
	print("BASS3.PlayURL callback", ch, err, errtxt)

	-- Remove the old one.
	if g_channel then g_channel:Remove() end
	-- don't let it go out of scope!
	g_channel = ch
	if g_channel and CLIENT then
		g_channel:SetBalance(-1) -- start on the left speaker.
		print(g_channel:BalanceIsFading()) -- "false"
		g_channel:BalanceFadeTo(0, 10) -- slowly move to the center for 10 secounds.
		print(g_channel:BalanceIsFading()) -- "true" for the next 10 secounds.

Creating a channel from a local file.

if g_channel then g_channel = g_channel:Remove() end
local path = "sound/music/hl1_song10.mp3"

-- String flags
-- BASS3.PlayFile(path, "mono noblock noplay", function(ch, err, errtxt)

-- Enum flags, recommend
BASS3.PlayFile(path, bit.bor(BASS3.ENUM.MODE_MONO, BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NOBLOCK, BASS3.ENUM.MODE_NOPLAY), function(ch, err, errtxt)
	print("BASS3.PlayFile callback", ch, err, errtxt)

	-- Remove the old one.
	if g_channel then g_channel:Remove() end
	-- don't let it go out of scope!
	g_channel = ch
	if g_channel then
		if CLIENT then
			g_channel:SetVolume(0) -- start muted
			print(g_channel:VolumeIsFading()) -- "false"
			g_channel:VolumeFadeTo(1, 2) -- slowly increase the volume to 1 for 2 secounds.
			print(g_channel:VolumeIsFading()) -- "true" for the next 2 secounds.

Printing the FFT values.

local fft = {}

local function printfft(ch)
	-- Is 'ch' valid?
	if !IsValid(ch) then return end
	-- Get the spectrum and print the count
	print("count: ", ch:FFT(fft, BASS3.ENUM.FFT_16))

	-- Print the spectrum values
	print("spectrum values: ")
	-- Get the complex spectrum and print the count
	print("count: ", ch:FFTComplex(fft, BASS3.ENUM.FFT_16))

	-- Print the complex spectrum values
	print("complex spectrum values: ")

-- A valid and playing 'g_channel' has to be created before.

Setting and Getting the 3D Position

Printing the FFT values.

if g_channel then g_channel = g_channel:Remove() end

local url = ""
local pos, dir = Vector(), Vector()

-- String flags
-- BASS3.PlayURL(url, "mono 3d", function(ch, err, errtxt)

-- Enum flags, recommend
BASS3.PlayURL(url, bit.bor(BASS3.ENUM.MODE_MONO, BASS3.ENUM.MODE_3D), function(ch, err, errtxt)
	print("BASS3.PlayURL callback", ch, err, errtxt)

	-- Remove the old one.
	if g_channel then g_channel:Remove() end
	-- don't let it go out of scope!
	g_channel = ch

	-- Set the Position and make the sound emit upwardly.
	g_channel:SetPos(Vector(124,241,235), Vector(0,0,1))

	-- Recycled
	local pos1, dir1 = g_channel:GetPos(pos, dir)
	print(pos, dir) -- Prints "124.0000 241.0000 235.0000    0.0000 0.0000 1.0000"
	-- pos1, dir1 are leading to the same vector as pos, dir
	print(pos1, dir2) -- Prints "124.0000 241.0000 235.0000    0.0000 0.0000 1.0000"

	-- Not Recycled
	local pos2, dir2 = g_channel:GetPos()
	print(pos2, dir2) -- Also prints "124.0000 241.0000 235.0000    0.0000 0.0000 1.0000", but these are new vectors.