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Selecting Data with SQL


As a data scientist, the SQL query you'll likely use most often is SELECT. This lesson introduces how to use SELECT to subset and transform the columns of a database table.


You will be able to:

  • Retrieve a subset of columns from a table
  • Create an alias in a SQL query
  • Use SQL CASE statements to transform selected columns
  • Use built-in SQL functions to transform selected columns

The Data

Below, we connect to a SQLite database using the Python sqlite3 library (documentation here):

import sqlite3 
conn = sqlite3.connect('data.sqlite')

The database that you've just connected to is the same database you have seen previously, containing data about orders, employees, etc. Here's an overview of the database:

For this first section we'll be focusing on the employees table.

If we want to get all information about the employee records, we might do something like this (* means all columns):

import pandas as pd
pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM employees;""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
employeeNumber lastName firstName extension email officeCode reportsTo jobTitle
0 1002 Murphy Diane x5800 1 President
1 1056 Patterson Mary x4611 1 1002 VP Sales
2 1076 Firrelli Jeff x9273 1 1002 VP Marketing
3 1088 Patterson William x4871 6 1056 Sales Manager (APAC)
4 1102 Bondur Gerard x5408 4 1056 Sale Manager (EMEA)
5 1143 Bow Anthony x5428 1 1056 Sales Manager (NA)
6 1165 Jennings Leslie x3291 1 1143 Sales Rep
7 1166 Thompson Leslie x4065 1 1143 Sales Rep
8 1188 Firrelli Julie x2173 2 1143 Sales Rep
9 1216 Patterson Steve x4334 2 1143 Sales Rep
10 1286 Tseng Foon Yue x2248 3 1143 Sales Rep
11 1323 Vanauf George x4102 3 1143 Sales Rep
12 1337 Bondur Loui x6493 4 1102 Sales Rep
13 1370 Hernandez Gerard x2028 4 1102 Sales Rep
14 1401 Castillo Pamela x2759 4 1102 Sales Rep
15 1501 Bott Larry x2311 7 1102 Sales Rep
16 1504 Jones Barry x102 7 1102 Sales Rep
17 1611 Fixter Andy x101 6 1088 Sales Rep
18 1612 Marsh Peter x102 6 1088 Sales Rep
19 1619 King Tom x103 6 1088 Sales Rep
20 1621 Nishi Mami x101 5 1056 Sales Rep
21 1625 Kato Yoshimi x102 5 1621 Sales Rep
22 1702 Gerard Martin x2312 4 1102 Sales Rep

Quick Note on String Syntax

When working with strings, you may have previously seen a 'string', a "string", a '''string''', or a """string""". While all of these are strings, the triple quotes have the added functionality of being able to use multiple lines within the same string as well as to use single quotes within the string. Sometimes, SQL queries can be much longer than others, in which case it's helpful to use new lines for readability. Here's the same example, this time with the string spread out onto multiple lines:

  FROM employees;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
employeeNumber lastName firstName extension email officeCode reportsTo jobTitle
0 1002 Murphy Diane x5800 1 President
1 1056 Patterson Mary x4611 1 1002 VP Sales
2 1076 Firrelli Jeff x9273 1 1002 VP Marketing
3 1088 Patterson William x4871 6 1056 Sales Manager (APAC)
4 1102 Bondur Gerard x5408 4 1056 Sale Manager (EMEA)
5 1143 Bow Anthony x5428 1 1056 Sales Manager (NA)
6 1165 Jennings Leslie x3291 1 1143 Sales Rep
7 1166 Thompson Leslie x4065 1 1143 Sales Rep
8 1188 Firrelli Julie x2173 2 1143 Sales Rep
9 1216 Patterson Steve x4334 2 1143 Sales Rep
10 1286 Tseng Foon Yue x2248 3 1143 Sales Rep
11 1323 Vanauf George x4102 3 1143 Sales Rep
12 1337 Bondur Loui x6493 4 1102 Sales Rep
13 1370 Hernandez Gerard x2028 4 1102 Sales Rep
14 1401 Castillo Pamela x2759 4 1102 Sales Rep
15 1501 Bott Larry x2311 7 1102 Sales Rep
16 1504 Jones Barry x102 7 1102 Sales Rep
17 1611 Fixter Andy x101 6 1088 Sales Rep
18 1612 Marsh Peter x102 6 1088 Sales Rep
19 1619 King Tom x103 6 1088 Sales Rep
20 1621 Nishi Mami x101 5 1056 Sales Rep
21 1625 Kato Yoshimi x102 5 1621 Sales Rep
22 1702 Gerard Martin x2312 4 1102 Sales Rep

Unlike in Python, whitespace indentation in SQL is not used to indicate scope or any other important information. Therefore this:

  FROM employees;

(with two spaces in front of FROM)

is identical to this:

FROM employees;

(with zero spaces in front of FROM)

as far as SQL is concerned. However we will be aligning the right edge of the SQL keywords, using a "river" of whitespace down the center to improve legibility in this lesson, following this style guide. You will see multi-line SQL written with various different indentation styles, and you will want to check with your employer to learn what their style guide is.

Retrieving a Subset of Columns

Once we know what the column names are for a given table, we can select specific columns rather than using * to select all of them. This is achieved by replacing the * with the names of the columns, separated by commas.

For example, if we just wanted to select the last and first names of the employees:

SELECT lastName, firstName
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
lastName firstName
0 Murphy Diane
1 Patterson Mary
2 Firrelli Jeff
3 Patterson William
4 Bondur Gerard

We can also specify the columns in a different order than they appear in the database, in order to reorder the columns in the resulting dataframe:

SELECT firstName, lastName
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
firstName lastName
0 Diane Murphy
1 Mary Patterson
2 Jeff Firrelli
3 William Patterson
4 Gerard Bondur

Additionally, we can use aliases (AS keyword) to change the column names in our query result:

SELECT firstName AS name
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 Diane
1 Mary
2 Jeff
3 William
4 Gerard

Note: the AS keyword is technically optional when assigning an alias in SQL, so you may see examples that don't include it. In other words, you could just say SELECT firstName name and it would work the same as SELECT firstName AS name. However we recommend being more explicit and including the AS, so that it's clearer what your code is doing.

Using SQL CASE Statements

CASE statements appear very frequently in SQL technical interview questions. They are a type of conditional statement, similar to if statements in Python. Whereas Python uses the keywords if, elif, and else, SQL uses CASE, WHEN, THEN, ELSE, and END.

CASE indicates that a conditional statement has begun, and END indicates that it has ended.

WHEN is similar to if, and then instead of a colon and an indented block, THEN indicates what should happen if the condition is true. After the first THEN has executed, it skips to the end, so each subsequent WHEN is more like elif in Python.

ELSE is essentially the same as else in Python.

CASE to Bin Column Values

One of the most common use cases for CASE statements is to bin the column values. This is true for both numeric and categorical columns.

In the example below, we use the jobTitle field to bin all employees into role categories based on whether or not their job title is "Sales Rep":

SELECT firstName, lastName, jobTitle,
       WHEN jobTitle = "Sales Rep" THEN "Sales Rep"
       ELSE "Not Sales Rep"
       END AS role
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head(10)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
firstName lastName jobTitle role
0 Diane Murphy President Not Sales Rep
1 Mary Patterson VP Sales Not Sales Rep
2 Jeff Firrelli VP Marketing Not Sales Rep
3 William Patterson Sales Manager (APAC) Not Sales Rep
4 Gerard Bondur Sale Manager (EMEA) Not Sales Rep
5 Anthony Bow Sales Manager (NA) Not Sales Rep
6 Leslie Jennings Sales Rep Sales Rep
7 Leslie Thompson Sales Rep Sales Rep
8 Julie Firrelli Sales Rep Sales Rep
9 Steve Patterson Sales Rep Sales Rep

CASE to Make Values Human-Readable

Another typical way to use CASE is to translate the column values into something that your eventual audience will understand. This is especially true of data that is entered into the database as a "code" or "ID" rather than a human-readable name.

In the example below, we use a CASE statement with multiple WHENs in order to transform the officeCode column into an office column that uses a more meaningful name for the office:

SELECT firstName, lastName, officeCode,
       WHEN officeCode = "1" THEN "San Francisco, CA"
       WHEN officeCode = "2" THEN "Boston, MA"
       WHEN officeCode = "3" THEN "New York, NY"
       WHEN officeCode = "4" THEN "Paris, France"
       WHEN officeCode = "5" THEN "Tokyo, Japan"
       END AS office
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head(10)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
firstName lastName officeCode office
0 Diane Murphy 1 San Francisco, CA
1 Mary Patterson 1 San Francisco, CA
2 Jeff Firrelli 1 San Francisco, CA
3 William Patterson 6 None
4 Gerard Bondur 4 Paris, France
5 Anthony Bow 1 San Francisco, CA
6 Leslie Jennings 1 San Francisco, CA
7 Leslie Thompson 1 San Francisco, CA
8 Julie Firrelli 2 Boston, MA
9 Steve Patterson 2 Boston, MA

Note that because we did not specify a name for officeCode "6", and did not include an ELSE, the associated office value for William Patterson is NULL (represented as None in Python).

There is also a shorter syntax possible if all of the WHENs are just checking if a value is equal to another value (e.g. in this case where we are repeating officeCode = over and over). Instead we can specify officeCode right after CASE, then only specify the potential matching values:

SELECT firstName, lastName, officeCode,
       CASE officeCode
       WHEN "1" THEN "San Francisco, CA"
       WHEN "2" THEN "Boston, MA"
       WHEN "3" THEN "New York, NY"
       WHEN "4" THEN "Paris, France"
       WHEN "5" THEN "Tokyo, Japan"
       END AS office
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head(10)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
firstName lastName officeCode office
0 Diane Murphy 1 San Francisco, CA
1 Mary Patterson 1 San Francisco, CA
2 Jeff Firrelli 1 San Francisco, CA
3 William Patterson 6 None
4 Gerard Bondur 4 Paris, France
5 Anthony Bow 1 San Francisco, CA
6 Leslie Jennings 1 San Francisco, CA
7 Leslie Thompson 1 San Francisco, CA
8 Julie Firrelli 2 Boston, MA
9 Steve Patterson 2 Boston, MA

Using Built-in SQL Functions

Similar to the Python built-in functions, SQL also has built-in functions. The available functions will differ somewhat by the type of SQL you are using, but in general you should be able to find functions for:

  • String manipulation
  • Math operations
  • Date and time operations

For SQLite in particular, if you are looking for a built-in function, start by checking the core functions page, mathematical functions page, and/or date and time functions page.

Built-in SQL Functions for String Manipulation


Let's start with an example of a SQL built-in function that is very similar to one we have in Python: length (documentation here). This works very similarly to the len built-in function in Python. For a string, it returns the number of characters.

If we wanted to find the length of the first names of all employees, that would look like this:

SELECT length(firstName) AS name_length
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 5
1 4
2 4
3 7
4 6


Now let's say we wanted to return all of the employee names in all caps. Similar to the Python string method, this SQL function is called upper (documentation here). However, since it's a built-in function and not a method, the syntax looks like:


and not column_name.upper().

As you get more comfortable with Python and SQL, distinctions like this will get more intuitive, but for now don't worry if you have to look it up every time!

Here is an example using upper:

SELECT upper(firstName) AS name_in_all_caps
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;


Another form of string manipulation you might need is finding a substring (subset of a string). In Python, we do this with string slicing. In SQL, there is a built-in function that does this instead. For SQLite specifically, this is called substr (documentation here).

Let's say we wanted just the first initial (first letter of the first name) for each employee:

SELECT substr(firstName, 1, 1) AS first_initial
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 D
1 M
2 J
3 W
4 G

If we wanted to add a . after each first initial, we could use the SQLite || (concatenate) operator. This works similarly to + with strings in Python:

SELECT substr(firstName, 1, 1) || "." AS first_initial
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 D.
1 M.
2 J.
3 W.
4 G.

We can also combine multiple column values, not just string literals. For example, below we combine the first and last name:

SELECT firstName || lastName AS full_name
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 DianeMurphy
1 MaryPatterson
2 JeffFirrelli
3 WilliamPatterson
4 GerardBondur

Hmm, that looks a bit odd. Let's concatenate those column values with a space (" ") string literal:

SELECT firstName || " " || lastName AS full_name
  FROM employees;
""", conn).head()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 Diane Murphy
1 Mary Patterson
2 Jeff Firrelli
3 William Patterson
4 Gerard Bondur

That looks better!

Built-in SQL Functions for Math Operations

For these examples, let's switch over to using the orderDetails table:

pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM orderDetails;""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
orderNumber productCode quantityOrdered priceEach orderLineNumber
0 10100 S18_1749 30 136.00 3
1 10100 S18_2248 50 55.09 2
2 10100 S18_4409 22 75.46 4
3 10100 S24_3969 49 35.29 1
4 10101 S18_2325 25 108.06 4
... ... ... ... ... ...
2991 10425 S24_2300 49 127.79 9
2992 10425 S24_2840 31 31.82 5
2993 10425 S32_1268 41 83.79 11
2994 10425 S32_2509 11 50.32 6
2995 10425 S50_1392 18 94.92 2

2996 rows × 5 columns


Let's say we wanted to round the price to the nearest dollar. We could use the SQL round function (documentation here), which is very similar to the the Python round:

SELECT round(priceEach) AS rounded_price
  FROM orderDetails;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 136.0
1 55.0
2 75.0
3 35.0
4 108.0
... ...
2991 128.0
2992 32.0
2993 84.0
2994 50.0
2995 95.0

2996 rows × 1 columns


The previous result looks ok, but it's returning floating point numbers. What if we want integers instead?

In Python, we might apply the int built-in function. In SQLite, we can use a CAST expression (documentation here):

SELECT CAST(round(priceEach) AS INTEGER) AS rounded_price_int
  FROM orderDetails;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 136
1 55
2 75
3 35
4 108
... ...
2991 128
2992 32
2993 84
2994 50
2995 95

2996 rows × 1 columns

Basic Math Operations

Just like when performing math operations with Python, you don't always need to use a function. Sometimes all you need is an operator like +, -, /, or *. For example, below we multiply the price times the quantity ordered to find the total price:

SELECT priceEach * quantityOrdered AS total_price
  FROM orderDetails;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 4080.00
1 2754.50
2 1660.12
3 1729.21
4 2701.50
... ...
2991 6261.71
2992 986.42
2993 3435.39
2994 553.52
2995 1708.56

2996 rows × 1 columns

Built-in SQL Functions for Date and Time Operations

For these examples, we'll look at yet another table within the database, this time the orders table:

pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM orders;""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
orderNumber orderDate requiredDate shippedDate status comments customerNumber
0 10100 2003-01-06 2003-01-13 2003-01-10 Shipped 363
1 10101 2003-01-09 2003-01-18 2003-01-11 Shipped Check on availability. 128
2 10102 2003-01-10 2003-01-18 2003-01-14 Shipped 181
3 10103 2003-01-29 2003-02-07 2003-02-02 Shipped 121
4 10104 2003-01-31 2003-02-09 2003-02-01 Shipped 141
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
321 10421 2005-05-29 2005-06-06 In Process Custom shipping instructions were sent to ware... 124
322 10422 2005-05-30 2005-06-11 In Process 157
323 10423 2005-05-30 2005-06-05 In Process 314
324 10424 2005-05-31 2005-06-08 In Process 141
325 10425 2005-05-31 2005-06-07 In Process 119

326 rows × 7 columns

What if we wanted to know how many days there are between the requiredDate and the orderDate for each order? Intuitively you might try something like this:

SELECT requiredDate - orderDate
  FROM orders;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
requiredDate - orderDate
0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
... ...
321 0
322 0
323 0
324 0
325 0

326 rows × 1 columns

Clearly that didn't work.

It turns out that we need to specify that we want the difference in days. One way to do this is using the julianday function (documentation here):

SELECT julianday(requiredDate) - julianday(orderDate) AS days_from_order_to_required
  FROM orders;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 7.0
1 9.0
2 8.0
3 9.0
4 9.0
... ...
321 8.0
322 12.0
323 6.0
324 8.0
325 7.0

326 rows × 1 columns

If we wanted to select the order dates as well as dates 1 week after the order dates, that would look like this:

SELECT orderDate, date(orderDate, "+7 days") AS one_week_later
  FROM orders;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
orderDate one_week_later
0 2003-01-06 2003-01-13
1 2003-01-09 2003-01-16
2 2003-01-10 2003-01-17
3 2003-01-29 2003-02-05
4 2003-01-31 2003-02-07
... ... ...
321 2005-05-29 2005-06-05
322 2005-05-30 2005-06-06
323 2005-05-30 2005-06-06
324 2005-05-31 2005-06-07
325 2005-05-31 2005-06-07

326 rows × 2 columns

You can also use the strftime function, which is very similar to the Python version. This is useful if you want to split apart a date or time value into different sub-parts. For example, here we extract the year, month, and day of month from the order date:

SELECT orderDate,
       strftime("%m", orderDate) AS month,
       strftime("%Y", orderDate) AS year,
       strftime("%d", orderDate) AS day
  FROM orders;
""", conn)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
orderDate month year day
0 2003-01-06 01 2003 06
1 2003-01-09 01 2003 09
2 2003-01-10 01 2003 10
3 2003-01-29 01 2003 29
4 2003-01-31 01 2003 31
... ... ... ... ...
321 2005-05-29 05 2005 29
322 2005-05-30 05 2005 30
323 2005-05-30 05 2005 30
324 2005-05-31 05 2005 31
325 2005-05-31 05 2005 31

326 rows × 4 columns

Now that we are finished with our queries, we can close the database connection.



In this lesson, you saw how to execute several kinds of SQL SELECT queries. First, there were examples of specifying the selection of particular columns, rather than always using SELECT * to select all columns. Then you saw some examples of how to use CASE to transform column values using conditional logic. Finally, we walked through how to use built-in SQL functions, particularly for string, numeric, and date/time fields.


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