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Stelpolvo Sans

简介 / Introduction

Stelpolvo Sans 字体基于动画《星灵感应》中以世界语为原型的宇宙语字母制作而成。Stelpolvo 在世界语中意为星尘。

Stelpolvo Sans is based on letters of Cosmic language from anime Stardust Telepath, which are derived from Esperanto letters. The name Stelpolvo means stardust in Esperanto.

试用 / Tryout


Click here to try it out online.

下载 / Download

您可前往存储库主页或 Release 页面下载 TTF 文件。WOFF 文件亦有提供,可根据需求取用。

You can go to mainpage of repo or Release page to download TTF file. WOFF files are also provided, you can use according to your need.

使用 / Usage


A ~ P (a ~ p) / R ~ V (r ~ v) / Z (z) 可直接通过键盘输入。

Ĉ (ĉ) / Ĝ (ĝ) / Ĥ (ĥ) / Ĵ (ĵ) / Ŝ (ŝ) / Ŭ (ŭ) 亦可直接输入,或通过输入对应无修饰符字母,后加 X (x) 得到,如输入“cx”得到“ĉ”。

A ~ P (a ~ p) / R ~ V (r ~ v) / Z (z) can be typed directly by keyboard.

Ĉ (ĉ) / Ĝ (ĝ) / Ĥ (ĥ) / Ĵ (ĵ) / Ŝ (ŝ) / Ŭ (ŭ) can also be typed directly. Or you can type letter without modifier first, then type X (x) to get the corresponding letter. For example, type "cx" to get "ĉ".

许可 / License

本字体依照 SIL Open Font License 1.1 进行许可,这意味着您可以对本字体修改并重新分发。“Stelpolvo”为保留字体名称。详细信息请查看 LICENSE

This font is licensed under SIL Open Font License 1.1, which means you can modify this font and redistribute. The name "Stelpolvo" is a Reserved Font Name. Please see LICENSE for detailed information.