An android app for What, includes everything you love about What as well as barcode scanning for quick music look ups.
The app will work with a default setup of Gazelle, just change the url to point to your site and enjoy.
Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE for full terms.
Releases and alpha/beta testing builds can be found in the releases page. Screenshots of the app can be founded on the webpage.
We're following the Git branching model outlined in this post for development.
Questions? Contact Twinklebear through GitHub, the site, or in #whatAndroid on the site irc.
- WhatAPI Grab the latest release from the repo.
- Universal Image Loader
- commons-io-2.4
- commons-lang3-3.1
- commons-codec-1.9
- gson-2.2.4
- signpost-core-