The purpose of this project is to learn fundamental game design techniques while learning SFML and creating a 2D game along the way.
The docs directory contains class diagrams as well as notes that I've been writing to help flesh out some fundamental concepts. The diagrams were drawn with the DrawIO extension in VSCode.
The project can run on the following platforms
- MacOS 14.6.1
- Ubuntu 22.04LTS
- Windows VS2022, VS2019
Here you will find all of the necessary third party tools needed to build the application regardlesss of platform
- Git
- CMake
- Visual Studio 2022 \ 2019
In order to build the application, the CMake script will first pull SFML from github and build into static libraries. If you are using linux, you will need specific dependencies in order to build SFML. They are listed below.
On Ubuntu and other Debian-based distros, you can use the following command
sudo apt update
sudo apt install \
libxrandr-dev \
libxcursor-dev \
libudev-dev \
libfreetype-dev \
libopenal-dev \
libflac-dev \
libvorbis-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev \
The recommended way to build this project is with CMakePresets. If you would like to build it with default commands you can it just needs a specific folder structure for the build files.
Using default commands:
cmake -B build/{PLATFORM}
cmake --build build/{PLATFORM}
Ex. If on windows, PLATFORM=windows
The project is currently configured for the following configurations:
- Debug-UnixMake
- Release-UnixMake
- WindowsVS2022
- WindowsVS2019
The following commands shows you all available configurations
cmake --list-presets
cmake --build --list-presets
In order to generate a configuration and build, run the following commands
cmake --preset 'PRESET_COFNIG_NAME'
cmake --build --preset 'PRESET_NAME'
Using the 'windows-VS22' preset will generate the solution files for Visual Studio
cmake --preset windows-VS22
The binary will always reside in bin/'CONFIG_TYPE'. In order for the filepaths to be resolved correctly, it NEEDS be run from this directory OR the build/'PLATFORM' directory
Visual Studio will run it from build/'PLATFORM'