A simple wrapper of most of the commonly used kotlin libraries for Bukkit and Bungeecord
- Include other modules of Exposed: kotlin-datetime, json, crypt
- Automate builds & releases based on uploads to Maven Central
In your plugin.yml add a dependecy to a corresponding module that you are using in your code:
#other plugin descriptor stuff
depend: [<module name goes here>]
Add required modules into your plugins folder
- kotlin-stdlib - Kotlin standart library (required)
- kotlin-reflect - Kotlin reflection library
- kotlinx-datetime - Kotlinx datetime implementation
- kotlinx-coroutines - Kotlinx coroutines implementation
- kotlinx-serialization-core - Kotlinx serialization core implementation (required for any other serialization module)
- kotlinx-serialization-json - Kotlinx json seriazation implementation
- exposed-core - Exposed core implementation (required for any other exposed module)
exposed-jdbc - Exposed jdbc implementationIs now included inexposed-core
due to incompatibility between java service resolution and plugin class loading- exposed-dao - Exposed dao implementation