A boilerplate Solidity project structure using Truffle, Mocha and Chai.
Test Driven Development is useful for developing the secure smart contracts.
Download to your project directory.
To install libraries, enter:
npm install
To compile the Solidity codes, enter:
npm run compile
To lint the Javascript codes, enter:
npm run lint
To lint the Solidity codes, enter:
npm run lint:sol
To lint both Solidity and Javascript codes, enter:
npm run lint:all
To run tests, enter:
npm run test
To run code coverage & evaluate the gas cost of each function:
npm run coverage
To deploy the codes to the Rospten, make the .env file and enter INFURA_API_KEY, MNEMONIC. You can get the INFURA_API_KEY in the Infura and MNEMONIC in the Mnemonic Code Converter.
truffle migrate --network ropsten
Please open an issue for support.
Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request