This is the source code for the Functional Analysis through Hidden Markov Models software and server (
You will need the following packages installed on your system:
- Python & Python MySQLdb (tested with Python 2.6/2.7)
- Our pre-computed database can be found at (instructions on how to create/upload the database can be found at
- Create a configuration file named "config.ini" and enter the following (substituting the required information with your MySQL credentials):
HOST = [MySQL Host]
PORT = [MySQL Port]
USER = [MySQL Username]
PASSWD = [MySQL Password]
DB = fathmm
- Download "" from the ./cgi-bin folder and place it in the same directory as "config.ini"
In it's simplest form, our software parses dbSNP rs IDs and protein missense mutations from <INPUT> and returns a list of predictions weighted for inherited-disease mutations (Human) in <OUTPUT>. Furthermore, we return predictions on disease-associations when a mutation falls within a SUPERFAMILY domain.
python -i <INPUT> -o <OUTPUT>
A combination of the below is accepted/valid input:
- Human dbSNP rs IDs (dbSNP 137) - multiple SNPs should be entered on separate lines.
- Human SwissProt/TrEMBL and/or Ensembl protein identifiers followed by the amino acid substitution in the conventional one letter format - multiple substitutions can be entered on a single line and should be separated by a comma.
P43026 L441P
P35555 N548I,E1073K,C2307S
The --help parameter can be used to view additional program parameters. In brief, there are two optional parameters:
- -w [?]
An optional parameter which controls the prediction algorithm used in our software:
Inherited : return predictions weighted for human inherited-disease mutations [this is the default]
Unweighted : return unweighted (species-independant) predictions
Cancer : return predictions weighted specifically for Human cancer
- -p [?]
An optional parameter which controls the phenotype ontology used in our software:
DO : Disease Ontology [this is the default]
GO : Gene Ontology
HP : Human Phenotype Ontology
MP : Mouse Phenotype Ontology
WP : Worm Phenotype Ontology
YP : Yeast Phenotype Ontology
FP : Fly Phenotype Ontology
FA : Fly Anatomy Ontology
ZA : Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology
AP : Arabidopsis Plant Ontology
KW : UniProtKB KeyWords
We welcome any comments and/or suggestions that you may have regarding our software and server - please send an email directly to