- Five Difficulty Levels
- Reset Game
- Count the number of moves a player makes
- Shuffle Images at a selected level
- Display messages to drive encouragement throughout the game
- Calculate players guess rate
- A player makes a match if the two cards turned pictures are identical.
- A player misses if the two cards turned pictures are not identical.
- The game continues until all cards in a selected level have been matched.
- User interface design can be improved with 3d animations and transitions.
- Game menu implementation with features like high score tracking and progress reports.
- Adding a timer at the start of the game or whenever a game resets will improve the user experience.
- Helpers and hints mechanism can be implemented.
- A user-friendly “Getting Started” documentation can be included.
- A better memory evaluation system can be integrated to track user’s progress.
In the project directory, you can run:
To install all the project dependencies:
To start the development server:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.