Tool moved to rtoolsHCK gem
Please open any issues related to toolsHCK in repo
toolsHCK is a powershell HCK/HLK controller API wrapper that wraps and exposes the API to users as a shell.
Follow these instructions to start using toolsHCK.
You will need one of the following installed on the studio machine:
Action | Descriptions |
help | Shows the help message. |
listpools | Lists the pools info. |
createpool | Creates a pool. |
deletepool | Deletes a pool. |
movemachine | Moves a machine from one pool to another. |
setmachinestate | Sets the state of a machine to Ready or NotReady. |
deletemachine | Deletes a machine. |
listmachinetargets | Lists the target devices of a machine that are available to be tested. |
listprojects | Lists the projects info. |
createproject | Creates a project. |
deleteproject | Deletes a project. |
createprojecttarget | Creates a project's target. |
deleteprojecttarget | Deletes a project's target. |
listtests | Lists a project target's tests. |
gettestinfo | Gets a project target's test info. |
queuetest | Queue's a test, use get_test_results to get the results. |
applyprojectfilters | Applies the filters on a project's test results. |
applytestresultfilters | Applies the filters on a test result. |
listtestresults | Lists a test results info. |
ziptestresultlogs | Zipps a test result's log and fetches the zip. |
createprojectpackage | Creates a project's package. |
PS C:\> .\toolsHCK.ps1
Opening connection file C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Hardware Lab Kit\Studio\connect.xml
Connecting to HLK-STUDIO...
toolsHCK@HLK-STUDIO> createpool 'test'
Creating pool test in Root pool.
toolsHCK@HLK-STUDIO> exit
PS C:\>
For more info use help command or use help parameter of a command, example:
toolsHCK@HLK-STUDIO> createpool -help
- Bishara AbuHattoum