Welcome to HQ20 open wiki. This is a project where we share, among many other things, our discovers. It's ou central repository of knowledge that we decided to share with the world. This is also a starting point for people joining TechHQ.
Here you can find our standards as well as information about our open boilerplate. It's also used to do some demonstrations in some technical articles.
We had an internal wiki, where we were writing down what we were learning. Through time, it became harder and harder to maintain. We were not using any repository to control each other's changes. We decided then to base the wiki in a repository and immediately after that, use a new tool to create the wiki.
Sometime later we were asking ourselves, "why not make it open?". And here we are, sharing with everyone.
This is related to TechHQ and is not currently open to external contributors. It's possible to clone it, change it, but we will not accept external PRs for now. If you find any typo, something wrong or you think it's worth to have something else here, please open an issue.