A typeface built for abstracting content and code for design mockups, wireframing, presentations, and websites.
Flow comes in three weights—circular, rounded and block.
It's not perfect, but neither are your wireframes. Flow has sub-pixels, artifacts, overlaps and other imperfections.
Designing with real content is important, but sometimes we need something more abstract. Flow aims to provide an efficient and flexible way to create abstracted placeholder content.
Flow 1.1 Features:
- 3 weights/styles
- Variable width characters
- Improved line-height (to match SF fonts)
- Extended Latin character support
- Cyrillic character support
Copyright Dan Ross 2017
License: SIL Open Font License (OFL) http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL
If used in a service, software, plugin, etc. Please send me an example so I can see it in use (I’m interested). And if you feel nice, attribute Dan Ross http://danross.co