This is a prototype application, for the HackRX virtual hackathon 2020, named 'Dieten - Calorie Tracker'. The purpose of this application is to provide users with an easy and integrated means to track and monitor their dietary and fitness routines.
The fundamental dependencies utilized in the overall development of this project are listed as follows.
firebase_core: ^0.4.4+3
firebase_auth: ^0.16.0
cloud_firestore: ^0.13.5
modal_progress_hud: ^0.1.3
provider: ^3.1.2
pedometer: ^1.2.0
flutter_screenutil: ^0.4.2
flutter_speed_dial: ^1.2.5
liquid_progress_indicator: ^0.3.2
curved_navigation_bar: ^0.3.2
flutter_spinkit: ^4.1.2+1
step_progress_indicator: ^0.2.2+5
fl_chart: ^0.9.4
custom_navigation_bar: ^0.2.6
calendar_timeline: ^0.4.0
timeline_node: ^0.1.0
select_dialog: ^1.1.0
searchable_dropdown: ^1.1.3
modal_bottom_sheet: ^0.1.5
numberpicker: ^1.2.0
flippo_navigation: ^0.0.6
google_nav_bar: ^2.2.0
platform_alert_dialog: ^1.0.0+2
CustomVision API by azure.
Although the application is a web-based application, the following fundamental requirements must be met for the successful performance and operation of the application.
- Android/IoS/Windows Mobile Operating System.
- Internet Connectivity
- Smart phone
The following screenshots depict the graphical user interface of the application.
Sign-up page: The sign-up page is by default the opening page after the first installation of the application. It guides the user through the creation of an account on the web application.
Login page: The login page is the user interface presented to the users in order to login to the application.
Home page/Dashboard: The homepage or dashboard contains the primary display of information as wells as the fundamental navigational tools for browsing the application.
Meal planner: The meal planner section is utilized to take input from the users and develop a schedule for the dietary plans of the user.
Profile section: The profile section of the application shows the user the summary of their profile information and allows them to make changes to their profile, if necessary.
Although the application contains a variety of features, the primary or keynote features to be noted are mentioned below.
Calorie Tracking/Recommendation: The application allows the users to track their dietary routines and simultaneously be aware of the intake of calories as well as the burn rate of the calories.
Meal planning: This unique feature allows users to customize their choice of meals providing a wholesome and nutritional food plate based on the taste palette of the user.
Reduced complexity of user input: The application utilizes image processing technology to simplify the processes of obtaining user input and removing areas of user confusion, doubt and inconsistencies.
UI simplicity: The user-interface has been designed keeping in mind the need for understanding among the users and easy accessibility.
Customized exercise regimen: The application also utilizes machine learning models to assist the user in developing a customized regimen of exercise for the user.
master: All commits related to application front-end and back-end.
Datasets: All commits related to mathematical formulae, data acquisition or information on datasets.
ML-model: All commits related to customvision ML-model.
Screenshots: All commits related to application working and screenshots used in
- ML-model: used for ML-model creation and training. Working of ML-model:
- Step Counter and other app features: pedometer and other flutter packages used.
Login&SignUp screens:
Profile Setup:
Calorie tracker - Photo selection:
Fitness Tracker: