Thanks for checking out our Disaster Management Portal
Table of Contents
Basically the main goal of disaster management is to reduce the damages and to safeguard common people including physically challenged people during the natural calamities. So here we are trying to create a Portal with the following objectives :-
- Reducing vulnerability and potential losses of hazard by alerting the necessary info of the upcoming disaster.
- Assessing, reviewing and controlling the risk. Applying efficient, effective, sustainable relief (food, shelter and money), medical and other facilities in disaster affected people thus they can survive.
- Reducing the damage, death, sufferings and destruction of any natural and human induced disaster.
- Ensuring the availability of local emergency equipment and transportation through NGO's and government helpline numbers.
- NGOs organizations can join these website so that the donated money can be given to the people who are in need.
- Prediction about natural calamity
- Aware people about such calamity so they are less affected
- Help the affected people by providing food, shelter, clothes etc.
- Rescue people who are in need.
- Future prospect will be to ask some NGOs organization to join our website so that they we can donate money to the people who are in need.
- FRONTEND:- Html , Css , Javascript, Bootstrap
- BACKEND:- Nodemon , Node.js
- VOICE MODULATION :- Annyang.js (js library for voice modulation)
- Install MySql server on your system which will be used as your local server for project.
- Inside Mysql Server create a database name carealot.
- Import Dump202110009.sql in Mysql under carealot database.
- Download Visual Studio Code
- Download the zip file of the code and unzip on any of the drive.
- Open the Hackathon 2.0 folder in Visual Studio
- In service.html file change the username and password as per your Mysql server username and password.
- Open terminal using ctrl+ ~
- Write the following code:
npm init
npm i body-parser
npm i cors
npm i domino
npm i express
npm i mysql
nodemon services
- After completion it will show localhost connection is succesful.
- Add extension Live server in the Visual Studio,
- Click on Go Live and the Home Page will open.