This project is dedicated for planning and implement of a Directed Weight Graphs with data sturctures.
Graph is a structure with sets of nodes and edges. when the nodes are objects on the space and the edges
are connecting between them .
In this task we need to get files that contains list of vertexs and edges and firstly create objects and structure
for them and for the graph that will present them together.
Then we use the graph for testing and running diffrent algorithms .
In addition the project includes a GUI interface that draws graph on the screen and run diffrent functions on him.
UML is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software
engineering that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
In this UML we are planning how the project will look like.
JsonToGraph deserialize the graph json file and create a new graph (constructor) , using gson library functions.
This function run complexity time O(e)/O(n). |E|=e(edges) , |V|=n(nodes) , the json file include edges and nodes and the function
create a graph running on each of them separately.
This function complexity time is O(e) if we get more edges then nodes.
geo_location this class that implements GeoLocation interface , This interface represents a geo location <x,y,z>.
Methods | Performs |
x | returns the value of x |
y | returns the value of y |
z | returns the value of z |
geo_location | constructor that get x,y,z and build geo_location |
geo_location | deep copy constructor that get a GeoLocation and build new geo_location |
distance | get GeoLocation and calculate the distance from this.geo_location |
significance: A Node class will use it
Node this class that implements the NodeData interface , This interface represents set of operations applicable on a
node (vertex) in a (directional) weighted graph.
new fields:
- private int id - the key that will be useful for the structure of graph.
- private double weight- the weight of the node for the algoritem.
- private String Info.
- private int Tag- useful for the algorithms.
- private HashMap<Integer,Double> min_dist_from-save the the minimun distance(according to weight) from this node to any other node in the graph(algorithm).
Methods | Performs |
Node(int id , GeoLocation coord) | counstructor of a new Node. |
remove_dist(int dest) | delete the destination saved in the min_dist_from in the key "dest". |
getfrom_min(int key) | return the last destination between this node to key node. |
min_update | update the new minimal weight to specific node. |
getKey() | Returns the key (id) associated with this node. |
getLocation() | Returns the location of this node, if none return null. |
setLocation(GeoLocation p) | set a new location (position) of this node. |
getWeight() | Returns the weight associated with this node. |
setWeight(double w) | set a new weight |
getInfo() | Returns the remark (meta data) associated with this node. |
setInfo(String s) | Allows changing the remark (meta data) associated with this node. |
getTag() | Temporal data (aka color: e,g, white, gray, black) - for algorithms. |
setTag(int t) | new value of the tag |
significance: This class represents a point in space and is useful for all classes and algorithms in the project
Edge this class that implements the EdgeData interface ,This interface represents the set of operations applicable on a
directional edge(src,dest) in a (directional) weighted graph.
new fields:
- private int src- the source of the edge.
- private int dest - the destination of the edge.
- private double weight- the weight of the edge.
- private int Tag- tag for algorithms.
- private String Info
Methods | Performs |
Edge(int src ,int dest,double weight) | counstructor of new Edge |
getSrc() | The id of the source node of this edge. |
getDest() | The id of the destination node of this edge |
getWeight() | return the weight of this edge (positive value). |
getInfo() | Returns the remark (meta data) associated with this edge. |
setInfo(String s) | Allows changing the remark (meta data) associated with this edge. |
getTag() | can be used be algorithms |
setTag(int t) | This method allows setting the "tag" value for temporal marking an edge - common |
significance: This class represents edge between two nodes and is useful for all classes and algorithms in the project
Graph this class that build the new graph . By use in nodes and edges we build a new structure that represent the new graph.
The class implement the interface Directed Weighted Graph, This interface represents a Directional Weighted Graph
The interface has a road-system or communication network in mind - and should support a large number of nodes . our implemention
based on an hashmapes and this an efficient compact representation.
New Fields
- private HashMap<Integer, NodeData> nodes - data structures that save the nodes , key 1 is node 1 and so...
- private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, EdgeData>> edges - data structure that save for any node is edges. first key is the source node id for the endge and the second key is the destination node id.
- private int numOfNodes - num of the nodes in the graph.
- private int numOfEdges - num of the edge in the graph.
- private int MC - changes in the graph .
**we add to the table a complexity time of graph methods **
Methods | Performs | Complexity |
Graph() | default constructor | O(1) |
Graph(DirectedWeightedGraph G) | Deep copy constructor of a new graph | (1)O(n+e) |
getNode(int key) | Returns the node_data by the node_id(key). | (2) O(1) |
getEdge(int src, int dest) | Returns the data of the edge (src,dest). | (3) O(1) |
addNode(NodeData n) | Adds a new node to the graph with the given node_data. | (4) O(1) |
connect(int src, int dest, double w) | Return the weight of this edge (positive value). | (5) O(1) |
nodeIter() | This method returns an Iterator for the nodes hashmap | |
edgeIter() | This method returns an Iterator for all the edges in this graph. | |
edgeIter(int node_id) | This method returns an Iterator for edges getting out of the given node | |
removeNode(int key) | Deletes the node (with the given ID) from the graph | (6) O(k), |
removeEdge(int src, int dest) | Deletes the edge from the graph | (7) O(1) |
nodeSize() | Returns the number of vertices (nodes) in the graph. | O(1) |
edgeSize() | Returns the number of edges (assume directional graph). | O(1) |
getMC() | Returns the Mode Count - for testing changes in the graph. | O(1) |
- (1)The function go over all the node(n) and after that go over all the edges(e) O(n+e).
- (2)(3)(5)Getting a value from a hashmap by key is O(1) complexity
- (4)(7)Adding/deleting a value to a Hashmap using the id recieved from the Node is O(1) complexity.
- (6)deleteing the node from the nodes hashmap and then going over the other nodes and check if the hashmap contain "key" value if so delete that Edge as well.
GraphAlgo is class that run algorithms on the graph. the class implement the interface Directed Weighted Graph.
This interface represents a Directed (positive) Weighted Graph Theory Algorithms that includes 8 algorithms .
Methods | Performs | Complexity |
init(DirectedWeightedGraph g) | Inits the graph on which this set of algorithms operates on | O(1) |
DirectedWeightedGraph getGraph() | Returns the underlying graph of which this class works | O(1) |
DirectedWeightedGraph copy() | Computes a deep copy of this weighted graph | O(N+E) |
isConnected() | Returns true if and only if (iff) there is a valid path from each node to each other node. | O(E*N^2) |
shortestPathDist(int src, int dest) | Computes the length of the shortest path between src to dest | O(E*N) |
shortestPath(int src, int dest) | Computes the the shortest path between src to dest | O(E*N) |
center() | Finds the NodeData which minimizes the max distance to all the other nodes. | O(N^2*E) |
tsp(List cities) | Computes a list of consecutive nodes which go over all the nodes in cities. | O(N!) |
load(String file) | This method loads a graph to this graph algorithm. | O(N+E) |
save(String file) | Saves this weighted (directed) graph to the given | O(N+E) |
In this class we implement GUI interface that draws graph on the screen and run algorithms on him .
The class includes all the algorithms of GraphAlgo and add/remove nodes methods.
we attach a tutorial how use in the GUI .
Button | Action |
File | open menu that include save and load options. |
Load File | This method loads a graph to this graph algorithm. |
Save File | Saves this weighted (directed) graph to the given |
functions | open menu that include all algorithms of graphAlgo. |
Center | Finds the NodeData which minimizes the max distance to all the other nodes. |
shortPath | Computes the the shortest path between src to dest . |
shortestPathDist | Computes the length of the shortest path between src to dest |
TSP | Computes a list of consecutive nodes which go over all the nodes in cities. |
## GUI represent G1.json
## File In top of the panel there are a buttons of load/save in File button functions .
when you are clicking on File button you will see two buttons .
If you click on load file you will see:
Here you can load a new graph from your list of json graphs.
If you click on save file you will see:
Here you can to give new name for your new graph.
## functions
Click on center recollor the center node like we can see in the picture:
Click on ShortPath open a message dialog for the source and destination nodes and return the nodes of the shortest path.
Example of shortest path between node 15 to node 6.
Click on TSP open to you this message dialog , enter all the nodes with comma between them :
Graph | isConnected | shortestPath | shortestPathDist | tsp | center |
1000Nodes | 87ms | (src=55,dest=721) 39ms | (55,721) 38ms | list=(7,27,734,888,576) 57ms | 7 sec 50 ms |
10000Nodes | 1 minute | (src=55,dest=5000) 52ms | (55,5000) 1 sec 27 ms | list=(7,1000,3301,7555,9999) 1 sec | heap |
100000Nodes | heap | (src=55,dest=5000) 17 sec | 16 sec 92 ms | list=(76,1060,33601,75565,99998) 1 minute 10 ms | heap |