A to-do app that stores tasks in a database for each user, with some advanced features and mobile friendly design.
• Features:
- Login system, uses the same database my User System app uses.
- Tasks for each user are stored in the database.
- Each task got options like priority and time.
- Tasks are editable and deletable.
- Filtering and search options to find tasks easily.
- Light & Dark modes.
- Supports mobile view (navigator changes when screen width is small).
Packages and tech i used to make this app:
• Frontend:
- Reactjs hooks: useState, useEffect, useContext.
- Npm packages: react-icons.
• Backend:
- Nodejs.
- Npm packages: express, mongodb, mongoose, bcryptjs, cookie-parser, jsonwebtoken.
- Npm packages i used for development only: env-cmd, nodemon.