These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Developing Software
- Download Java JDK
- Download Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
- Download Apache Maven
- WebDriverManger
- Selenium Java
- TestNG
- Log4j (log4j-api and log4j-core)
- Apache Commons IO
- ExtentReports
- Create resources package under 'src/main/java'
- Create Base class under this package
- Create a method for initializeBrowser inside the Base class
- Read the browser name from Properties file, instead of hardcoding it
- Create file under Config File Folder
- Add this property browser=chrome to the file
- Modify the initializeBrowser code accordingly
- Create a method say 'login' and annotate with @Test
- Extend the LoginTest class with Base class
- Write the code to initialize the browser and open the Application URL
- Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
- Remove the URL hardcoding and read the URL from the properties file
- Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing after this change - Add this property url= to the properties file
- Create a package under 'src/main/java' as 'pageObject'
- Create a class say 'LandingPage' under this package with page objects
- Create an object for LandingPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
- Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
- Create a class say 'LoginPage' under this package with page objects
- Create an object for LoginPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
- Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
- Create a class say 'AccountPage' under this package with page objects
- Create an object for AccountPage from LoginTest and perform required operations
- Run the LoginTest to see, if this is executing so far.
- Remove the email and password hardcoding and read them from the properties file
- Write @AfterMethod to close the browser
- Create a DataProvider annotated method and pass the data to the Test annotated method
- Organize the code for opening the Application
- TestTwo
- TestThree
- TestFour
- Right click on the Project, Select TestNG > Convert to TestNG
- Execute the Tests as a group using testng.xml file
- Search for Maven TestNG configuration and add the plugin for Maven Surefire plugin having configuration tags
- Run from the command prompt - mvn test
- Copy paste the log4j2.xml file here into the Config File Folder
- Open the LoginTest and write the logs
- Add the tags to pom.xml file to specify where exactly log4j file is available in the project
- Search for 'Maven filtering' in google
- Add the tags under tag
- Run the code and observe that the logs will be printed in the logs file
- Adding sample automation code in all the Test Classes and Run them as a group to see whether they are running one after the other
- Modify the testng.xml file as below:
- Separate individual classes to separate tags
- Add parallel=tests
- Run the code and observe that all the tests will run in parallel
- Create a listeners package under src/main/java
- Create a Listeners class under it and make it implement ITestListener interface
- Add TestNG library if unable to resolve the errors
- Select 'Source' menu in Eclipse IDE < Override/Implement Methods and select all the check boxes of ITestListerner
- Create reusable method for taking screenshots in Base class with two parameters
- Extend the Listeners class with Base class
- Update the onTestFailure() method of Listeners class
- Add the Listeners tags in testng.xml file
- Make the driver of the Test Classes to global and public
- Intentionally fail a test and run the testng.xml file
Create a package say 'utilities' under 'src/main/java'
Create a class under this package say 'ExtentReporter'
Create a method say 'getExtentReport'
Make the getExtentReport method static
Write extent report code into different Listeners methods ( onTestStart, onTestSuccess, onTestFailure and onFinish)
Remove parallel execution from testng.xml file and Run
Make ExtentReports thread-safe, by adding this code to Listeners class
- Add parallel execution to testng.xml file
- Add this line to the Listeners class
- ThreadLocal extentTestThread = new ThreadLocal();
- Add this line inside onTestStart
- extentTestThread.set(extentTest);
- Replace existing line with this line inside onTestSuccess
- extentTestThread.get().log(Status.PASS,"Test Passed");
- Replace existing line with this link inside onTestFailure
- extentTestThread.get().fail(result.getThrowable());
Adding the screenshot to the ExtentReports
- Make the takeScreenshot() method return the destination file path
- Update the onTestFailure method
- String screenshotFilePath = takeScreenshot(testMethodName,driver);
- extentTestThread.get().addScreenCaptureFromPath(screenshotFilePath, testMethodName);
Run the testng.xml file
- Make all the Page Objects as private
- Add the dependencies for Cucumber
- Cucumber-Java
- Cucumber-testng
- Verify whether the Cucumber Eclipse IDE plugin is installed
- Create a package 'features' under 'src/test/java'
- Create a feature file 'Login.feature' under this package
- Create a package 'stepDefinitions' under 'src/test/java'
- Create a Class '' under this package
- Auto-generate the Step definitions using TinyGerkhin Chrome Plugin
- Move the automation code to respective step definitions methods
- Create a runner package
- Create a Runner class under it
- Extend AbstractTestNGCucumberTests
- Generate a testng2.xml file and modify it
- Run the testng2.xml file
- Mention this testng2.xml file in maven surefire plugin of pom.xml and run using the Maven command (mvn test)
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Hassen Hannachi - Initial work - HassenHannachi
This project is not under any License - Open source