Python CLI for creating automatically signed kubernetes client certificates
usage: clientcerts [-h] [-u USER] [-g [GROUPS]] [-e EXPIRY] [--ca-certificate CA_CERTIFICATE] [-f FILE] apiserver
Create a kubeconfig using automatically approved client certificates. Your currently active KUBECONFIG needs to be
able to approve CertificateSigningRequests
positional arguments:
apiserver The kube-apiserver URL to use with the client certificate e.g. https://cluster.domain.tld
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER Mapped kubernetes username, can be used for rbac
-g [GROUPS], --groups [GROUPS]
1..n groups for rbac mappings
-e EXPIRY, --expiry EXPIRY
Validity of the client certificate in seconds. Requires k8s >= 1.22
--ca-certificate CA_CERTIFICATE
CA to load for connecting to the kubernetes Cluster
-f FILE, --file FILE Output path for the client certificate based kubeconfig. Existing files will be overwritten