This App was made to track the order state since the customer place it once it's shipped the seller mark it as shipped, and then the shipper mark it as delivered.
Register and signin system
Product life cycle
- A seller add a product.
- A customer order some products, number in stock decreases.
- The customer tracks the order's state since it's placed.
- The shipper pick the product, the seller mark it as shipped.
- The shipper deliver the order, and mark it as delivered.
- The customer may want to turn it back (to be done).
Other facilities
- Sign up & login.
- Purchase order of any amount of products.
- Return order (To do).
Seller -> all above plus.
- Add and edit his own products.
- Receive notifications of the new orders the customer make (only his products).
- Mark the orders the customers make as shipped when the Shipper takes it.
Admin -> all above plus
- Add, Edit and Delete categories.
- Add, Edit and Delete any products.
- Create other Admins.
- Create Shippers and add Shipper area he will be responsible for.
- Restrict any user from all the permissions.
- Express
- Mongoose
- Json Web Token (For authentication)
- React JS
- Redux (Manage app state)
- Bootstarp
- React-router (To handle routing)
- Sass
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ cd inventory-application
$ npm install (install backend dependencies)
$ cd views
$ npm install (install frontend dependencies)
$ cd ..
$ npm run server (for Node server side development)
$ npm run client (for React client side development)
$ npm run dev (for both client and server side)