Everything related to the HappyBlocks branding is here
Also, everything here is copyrighted, pls do nut steal
Name | PANTONE | RGB | Hex | CYMK | Desc |
Main Yellow | Yellow 012 C | R:255 G:215 B:0 | #FFD700 | C:0 Y:2 Y:98 K:0 | The color used to write the "happy" on the logo |
Main Blue | 534 C | R:27 G:54 B:93 | #1B365D | C:95 Y:74 Y:7 K:44 | The color used to write the "blocks" on the logo |
Bright Yellow | 803 C | R:255 G:233 B:0 | #FFE900 | C:0 Y:3 Y:97 K:0 | One of the shade used on the HappyBlocks cube |
Dark Yellow | 7548 C | R:255 G:198 B:0 | #FFC600 | C:0 Y:12 Y:98 K:0 | Another shade used on the HappyBlocks cube |
Darker Yellow | 7549 C | R:255 G:181 B:0 | #FFB500 | C:0 Y:22 Y:100 K:2 | The last shade used on the HappyBlocks cube |