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Hari Sekhon - Diagrams-as-Code

GitHub stars GitHub forks Lines of Code License My LinkedIn GitHub Last Commit

Codacy CodeFactor SonarCloud Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Reliability Rating Security Rating Vulnerabilities

CI Builds Overview Azure DevOps Pipeline GitLab Pipeline BitBucket Pipeline

Repo on GitHub Repo on GitLab Repo on Azure DevOps Repo on BitBucket Mac Linux

Generate D2 Images Generate Python Images D2 fmt Validation Kics Grype Semgrep Semgrep Cloud SonarCloud Trivy LucidChart CloudCraft Creately VisualParadigm

D2 MermaidJS Python Python Diagrams PlantUML Graphviz

D2 MermaidJS CloudGram PlantUML Excalidraw Miro

Diagrams-as-Code using the awesome D2 language, MermaidJS, Python diagrams and Graphviz.

Diagrams shown below are automatically (re)generated by GitHub Actions CI/CD 😎

I read an article that said:

the ability to create meaningful diagrams is the pinnacle of communication skills as an engineer


Gist from Knowledge-Base repo full of links to Diagrams technologies and Icon Sets.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

This Repo's Creation & GitHub Actions CI/CD to auto-(re)generate diagrams from code changes

Open to enlarge:


GitHub Flow with Jira ticket integration

Prefix Git branches with Jira ticket numbers in Jira's AA-NNN format for GitHub Pull Requests to automatically appear in Jira tickets (see this doc):

%%{ init: {
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "theme": "dark",
        "themeVariables": {
            "git0": "#839192",
            "git1": "#2874A6",
            "gitInv0": "#FFFFFF",
            "gitBranchLabel0": "#FFFFFF",
            "commitLabelColor": "#FFFFFF"
    commit id: "branch"
    branch AA-NNN-my-feature-branch
    checkout AA-NNN-my-feature-branch
    commit id: "add code"
    commit id: "refine code"
    checkout main
    merge AA-NNN-my-feature-branch id: "merge PR" type: HIGHLIGHT tag: "2023.15 release"

Git - why you shouldn't use long-lived feature branches

* Environment Branches may be one of the few exceptions but requires workflow discipline.

See Also: 100+ scripts for Git and the major Git repo providers like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps in my DevOps-Bash-tools repo.

%%{ init: {
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "theme": "dark",
        "gitGraph": {
            "mainBranchName": "master"
        "themeVariables": {
            "git0": "#839192",
            "git1": "#C0392B ",
            "git2": "#2E86C1",
            "gitInv0": "#FFFFFF",
            "gitBranchLabel0": "#FFFFFF",
            "commitLabelColor": "#FFFFFF"
    commit  id: "commit 1"
    commit id: "branch"
    branch long-lived-branch
    checkout long-lived-branch
    commit id: "50 clever commits"
    checkout master
    commit id: "commit 2"
    checkout long-lived-branch
    commit id: "too clever"
    checkout master
    commit id: "commit 3"
    checkout long-lived-branch
    commit id: "too long"
    checkout master
    commit id: "commit 4"
    checkout long-lived-branch
    commit id: "try to merge back"
    checkout master
    merge long-lived-branch id: "Merge Conflict!!" type: REVERSE
    checkout long-lived-branch
    commit id: "trying to fix"
    commit id: "still trying to fix"
    commit id: "struggling to fix"
    commit id: "ask Hari for help"
    branch fixes-branch-to-send-to-naughty-colleague
    checkout fixes-branch-to-send-to-naughty-colleague
    commit id: "fix 1"
    commit id: "fix 2"
    commit id: "fix 3"
    commit id: "could have been working on better things!"
    checkout long-lived-branch
    merge fixes-branch-to-send-to-naughty-colleague id: "merge fixes" type: HIGHLIGHT
    commit id: "more commits"
    commit id: "because this branch only had 105 commits already"
    checkout master
    merge long-lived-branch id: "Finallly Merged!" type: HIGHLIGHT
    commit id: "Please never do that again"

AWS Web Traffic Classic

Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On

I've administered Azure Active Directory at a couple of companies and integrated a variety of applications including GitHub Enterprise Cloud, AWS IAM Identity Center (formerly AWS SSO), Jenkins, ArgoCD, Keycloak, Hubspot etc using the typical OIDC or SAML integration mechanisms.


Jenkins CI/CD on Kubernetes

A production Jenkins on Kubernetes I built for a client with auto-spawning agents for horizontal scaling and integration with Docker, SonarQube, Clair, Grype and Trivy for code & container scanning.



ArgoCD - GitOps for Kubernetes


GCP Cloudflare Web Architecture GKE

A production internet customer facing website and apps replatform to Google Kubernetes Engine I did for an internet startup client using:

There are Cloudflare API scripts in the HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools repo.

GCP Malware Scanner with ClamAV

A variation using Kubernetes and Cloud Functions of this GCP malware scanner solution architecture:


Kubernetes Deployment with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Ingress

Kubernetes Stateful Architecture with persistent volumes

Kubernetes Service External Traffic Policy

GKE docs


Kubernetes on Premise



with MetalLB:

Is it just me or do MetaLB think they're Starfleet? (compare their logos)


Traefik Kubernetes Ingress on GKE

A Traefik deployment I did for a client.


Kong API Gateway on Kubernetes (AWS EKS)

A Kong API Gateway deployment I did for a client.

OpenTSDB on Kubernetes and HBase

A high scale production OpenTSDB replatform I did to Kubernetes for a client, ingesting 9 billion data points per day and serving 3 million queries per day.

I also had to do advanced performance tuning of their production HBase cluster which was suffering from frequent outages at this scale due to being set up by a non-SME on the wrong hardware (I had to make do with the existing hardware of course).

This was the second client I did in-depth performance tuning of HBase for - I've published a selection of useful HBase tools - see hbase_*.py and opentsdb_*.py in HariSekhon/DevOps-Python-tools.


MySQL Replica Architecture


Kafka Pub/Sub


Kafka Flink Elasticsearch


Elasticsearch Queries


Cassandra Queries


Prometheus & Thanos


RabbitMQ Pub/Sub


Devs Test in Production

Iirc I created and stuck this meme pic of The Most Interesting Man in the World on the wall of my tech dept back in 2011 while leading the infra team of an internet Ad Tech company doing several production releases a day. We literally did test in production using a small fraction of live internet traffic via canary deployments.



Git - Environment Branches

At least they don't only test in Production!

Another internet facing client refused to use tagging because they didn't want to have to think up version or release numbers for their website releases.

Not everybody likes environment branches, but they worked in production for over 2 years and they are easy to use.

Also, contrary to some naysayers it's quite easy to diff environment branches as everything should be in Git, so you can get a very quick and easy difference between your environments in a single git diff command. It's also easy to automate backporting hotfixes to lower environments:

%%{ init: {
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "theme": "dark",
        "gitGraph": {
            "mainBranchName": "dev"
        "themeVariables": {
            "git0": "red",
            "git1": "blue ",
            "git2": "green",
            "gitInv0": "#FFFFFF",
            "gitBranchLabel0": "#FFFFFF",
            "commitLabelColor": "#FFFFFF"

    branch staging
    branch production

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 1"

    checkout staging
    commit id: "QA fix 1 "

    checkout production
    commit id: "hotfix commit"

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 2"

    checkout staging
    merge dev id: "fast-forward merge" tag: "CI/CD + QA Tests"

    checkout production
    merge staging id: "fast-forward merge " tag: "v2023.1 Release (CI/CD)"

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 3"

    checkout staging
    commit id: "QA fix 2 "

    %% new MermaidJS comment format
    %% checkout production
    %% commit id: "commit 3  "

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 4"

    checkout staging
    merge dev id: "fast-forward merge 2" tag: "CI/CD + QA Tests"

    checkout production
    merge staging id: "fast-forward merge 2 " tag: "v2023.2 Release (CI/CD)"

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 5"

    checkout staging
    commit id: "QA fix 3 "

    %% new MermaidJS comment format
    %% checkout production
    %% commit id: "commit 5  "

    checkout dev
    commit id: "commit 6"

    checkout staging
    merge dev id: "fast-forward merge 3" tag: "CI/CD + QA Tests"

    checkout production
    merge staging id: "fast-forward merge 3 " tag: "v2023.3 Release (CI/CD)"

Note: I did eventually move this client to tagged releases using YYYY.NN release format, just incrementing NN which is a no brainer (githubNextRelease.groovy). It turns out the developers had eventually started using releases in Jira labelled as YYYY.NN to track which tickets were going into which production deployment, so when I pushed for this, it made sense to them finally as not being too great an inconvenience! It's also easy to automate by creating GitHub Releases in Jenkins (githubCreateRelease.groovy).

LucidChart - GCP Architecture

A sample architecture I did for a client for us to talk through, which was similar to what they had in mind (I won the gig).

This is the only diagram not as code (here for historical interest). I would embed the interactive live diagram but GitHub markdown doesn't allow HTML iframes so this is the png.

GCP Diagram LucidChart

Web Basics

When you're trying to explain to your kids how the internet works...


Network - Layer 2 - Local - ARP


Network - Layer 3 - Remote - IP


Gantt Chart of my Experience

This should give you some idea of my long evolution having reached the level of lead engineer and architect by the mid-to-late 2000s.

%%{ init: {
        "logLevel": "debug",
        'theme': 'dark',
        'themeVariables': {
          'activeTaskBkgColor': '#27ae60',
          'activeTaskBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'critBkgColor': 'blue',
          'critBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'doneTaskBkgColor': 'grey',
          'doneTaskBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'excludeBkgColor': '#eeeeee',
          'gridColor': 'lightgrey',
          'taskBkgColor': 'black',
          'taskBorderColor': 'black',
          'taskTextClickableColor': 'white',
          'taskTextColor': 'white',
          'taskTextDarkColor': 'white',
          'taskTextLightColor': 'black',
          'taskTextOutsideColor': 'white',
          'todayLineColor': 'red'

    title Hari Sekhon's Technology Skills & Experience
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD

    20+ years of Skillz to Pay the Billz : 2002-06-01, 2024-12-31

    section Operating Systems
    Linux                    : crit, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
    Windows Active Directory : done, 2003-01-01, 2009-11-10
    %%Redhat Linux             : active, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Debian Linux             : active, 2003-01-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Gentoo Linux             : done, 2004-06-01, 2009-11-10
    %%Ubuntu Linux             : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Alpine Linux             : done, 2016-01-01, 2024-12-31
    Mac                      : active, 2010-02-01, 2024-12-31

    section Coding
    Coding                 : crit, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
    Bash                   : active, 2002-12-01, 2024-12-31
    Python                 : active, 2005-11-01, 2024-12-31
    APIs                   : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%VBScript               : done, 2005-05-01, 2009-11-01
    Perl                   : active, 2009-11-13, 2024-12-31
    Git                    : active, 2012-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Ruby                   : done, 2009-11-13, 2013-01-31
    Java                   : active, 2013-01-13, 2024-12-31
    %%Jython                 : done, 2013-01-13, 2015-12-31
    %%JRuby                  : done, 2013-03-01, 2013-08-31
    %%Scala                  : done, 2014-01-01, 2015-12-31
    Golang                 : active, 2015-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Groovy                 : active, 2016-01-01, 2024-12-31

    %%section Build Systems
    %%Make                   : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Maven                  : active, 2013-02-01, 2024-12-31
    %%SBT                    : active, 2014-01-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Gradle                 : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31

    %%section Version Control Systems
    %%Subversion             : done, 2005-11-13, 2012-06-01
    %%Mercurial              : done, 2011-06-01, 2013-06-01
    %%Git                    : active, 2012-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%GitHub                 : active, 2012-12-31, 2024-12-31

    section Networking
    Networking             : crit, 2004-03-01, 2024-12-31
    %%VPNs                   : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Cisco - IOS / NX-OS    : done, 2004-03-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Juniper - Netscreen / SSG / SRX / ScreenOS / JunOS : done, 2007-01-01, 2013-01-18
    %%Netgear                : done, 2005-01-01, 2012-12-31

    section Load Balancers

    section Security
    Security               : crit, 2004-10-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Kerberos               : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%LDAP                   : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31

    section DevOps
    DevOps                   : crit, 2005-11-11, 2024-12-31

    section Data
    Data                   : active, 2005-11-11, 2024-12-31
    %%Data Validation        : done, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Data Science           : done, 2013-01-18, 2024-12-31

    section Architecture
    Architecture            : crit,   2005-11-11, 2024-12-31
    Web-Scale Architecture  : active, 2009-11-01, 2024-12-31
    MicroServices           : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31
    Diagrams-as-Code        : active, 2023-04-14, 2024-12-31

    section Databases (RDBMS)
    Databases (RDBMS)      : crit, 2004-01-01, 2024-12-31
    SQL                    : active, 2004-01-01, 2024-12-31
    Microsoft SQL Server   : done, 2004-01-01, 2005-10-31
    Oracle                 : done, 2005-11-01, 2009-09-10
    MySQL                  : active, 2007-01-01, 2024-12-31
    PostgreSQL             : active, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31

    section Web & CDNs
    Web                    : crit, 2005-01-01, 2024-12-31
    APIs                   : active, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31

    Load Balancers         : active, 2009-07-01, 2024-12-31
    %%LVS                    : done, 2009-01-01, 2009-11-11
    %%Foundry - ServerIron XL / 4G : done, 2009-10-13, 2011-11-31
    %%F5 BigIP               : done, 2010-06-01, 2013-01-18
    %%HAProxy                : active, 2018-04-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Kong                   : active, 2023-03-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Traefik                : active, 2023-03-01, 2024-12-31

    Web-Scale Architecture : active, 2009-11-01, 2024-12-31
    CDNs                   : active, 2009-12-01, 2024-12-31
    %%UlraDNS                : done, 2009-11-01, 2012-06-31
    %%Cotendo                : done, 2012-06-01, 2013-01-13
    %%Cloudflare             : active, 2020-08-20, 2024-12-31
    MicroServices            : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31

    section Virtualization & Containerization
    Virtualization         : crit, 2005-01-01, 2024-12-31
    %%VMware ESX, ESXi, VirtualBox : done, 2005-01-01, 2017-02-16
    %%Vagrant                : active, 2013-01-01, 2023-12-31
    Containerization       : crit, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Docker                 : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Kubernetes             : active, 2018-09-01, 2024-12-31
    MicroServices          : active, 2018-10-01, 2024-12-31
    ArgoCD                 : active, 2021-01-01, 2024-12-31

    section IaaC & Configuration Management
    Configuration Management :crit, 2006-01-01, 2024-12-31
    Puppet Config Mgmt     : done, 2008-09-01, 2014-02-18
    Ansible                : active, 2014-06-01, 2024-12-31
    IaaC                   :crit, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31
    Terraform              :active, 2019-09-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Terraform Cloud        : active, 2021-09-01, 2022-09-31
    %%Kickstart              : active, 2008-01-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Preseed                : active, 2009-01-01, 2024-12-31
    %%AutoInstall            : active, 2023-01-01, 2024-12-31

    section CI/CD
    CI/CD                  : crit, 2010-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Jenkins                : active, 2010-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Travis CI              : done, 2014-05-01, 2023-05-08
    CircleCI               : done, 2019-09-01, 2021-12-31
    BuildKite              : done, 2019-09-01, 2021-12-31
    GitHub Actions         : active, 2019-09-01, 2024-12-31
    %%GitLab                 : active, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
    %%Azure DevOps           : done, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
    %%Bitbucket              : done, 2019-09-01, 2022-12-31
    %%Concourse              : active, 2019-11-01, 2020-03-20
    %%TeamCity               : active, 2020-08-20, 2021-02-31
    CloudBuild             : active, 2020-08-20, 2023-09-30

    section Monitoring
    Monitoring             : crit, 2006-06-01, 2024-12-31
    Nagios                 : active, 2006-06-01, 2019-07-31
    OpenTSDB               : done, 2016-09-01, 2019-07-31
    Grafana                : active, 2018-01-01, 2024-12-31
    Prometheus             : active, 2018-06-01, 2024-12-31
    %%Pingdom                : done, 2020-08-20, 2023-09-17
    %%Datadog                : done, 2022-08-20, 2023-09-17

    section Big Data
    Big Data               : crit, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
    Hadoop                 : done, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
    %%HDFS                   : done, 2009-11-13, 2019-07-31
    %%MapReduce              : done, 2012-06-01, 2019-07-31
    Cloudera / Hortonworks : done, 2012-08-01, 2020-03-20
    Hive                   : done, 2013-01-18, 2019-07-31
    HBase                  : active, 2013-02-01, 2019-07-31
    Impala                 : done, 2013-04-01, 2015-06-30
    Spark                  : active, 2014-01-01, 2019-07-31
    Kafka                  : active, 2014-01-01, 2019-07-31
    Apache Drill           : active, 2014-06-01, 2018-12-31

    section NoSQL
    NoSQL                  : crit, 2009-11-13, 2024-12-31
    HBase                  : active, 2013-02-01, 2019-07-31
    %%MongoDB                : done, 2013-06-01, 2013-12-31
    Cassandra              : active, 2013-08-01, 2024-12-31
    Couchbase              : done, 2013-11-01, 2024-03-01

    section Caching
    Caching                : crit, 2009-11-31, 2024-12-31
    Memcached              : done, 2009-11-31, 2024-12-31
    Redis                  : active, 2013-03-01, 2024-12-31

    section Cloud
    Cloud            : crit, 2012-09-01, 2024-12-31
    AWS              : active, 2012-09-01, 2024-12-31
    GCP              : active, 2018-09-01, 2024-12-31
    Azure            : active, 2020-08-01, 2024-12-31

    section Search
    Search                 : crit, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
    Elasticsearch          : active, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
    %%LogStash               : done, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
    %%Fluentd                : crit, 2018-03-31, 2024-12-31
    %%Kibana                 : crit, 2013-03-31, 2024-12-31
    SolrCloud              : done, 2013-04-01, 2024-03-01

Gantt Chart of my GitHub Repos

%%{ init: {
        "logLevel": "debug",
        'theme': 'dark',
        'themeVariables': {
          'activeTaskBkgColor': '#0000ff',
          'activeTaskBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'critBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'doneTaskBkgColor': 'grey',
          'doneTaskBorderColor': 'lightgrey',
          'taskBkgColor': 'black',
          'taskBorderColor': 'black',
          'taskTextColor': 'white',
          'taskTextDarkColor': 'white',
          'taskTextLightColor': 'black',
          'todayLineColor': 'red'
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    title Repositories Gantt Chart
    Nagios-Plugins : active, 2012-12-30, 2024-09-22
    lib : active, 2012-12-30, 2024-09-22
    Spotify-tools : active, 2012-12-30, 2024-09-22
    DevOps-Perl-tools : active, 2012-12-30, 2024-09-22
    spark-apps : done, 2015-05-25, 2020-04-02
    lib-java : active, 2015-05-31, 2024-09-22
    pylib : active, 2015-10-27, 2024-09-23
    DevOps-Python-tools : active, 2015-10-27, 2024-09-23
    Dockerfiles : active, 2016-01-17, 2024-09-28
    DevOps-Bash-tools : active, 2016-01-17, 2024-09-28
    Nagios-Plugin-Kafka : active, 2016-06-07, 2024-09-22
    HAProxy-configs : active, 2018-06-08, 2024-09-22
    DevOps-Golang-tools : active, 2020-04-30, 2024-09-22
    Spotify-Playlists : active, 2020-06-29, 2024-09-22
    SQL-scripts : active, 2020-08-05, 2024-09-21
    Kubernetes-configs : active, 2020-09-16, 2024-09-21
    SQL-keywords : active, 2020-09-16, 2024-09-21
    Templates : active, 2020-09-16, 2024-09-25
    TeamCity-CI : active, 2020-12-03, 2024-09-21
    Terraform : active, 2021-01-18, 2024-09-21
    Jenkins : active, 2022-01-17, 2024-09-23
    GitHub-Actions : active, 2022-01-17, 2024-09-22
    CI-CD : active, 2022-03-25, 2024-10-01
    GitHub-Actions-Contexts : active, 2022-08-17, 2024-09-21
    Diagrams-as-Code : active, 2023-04-14, 2024-10-02
    Template-Repo : active, 2023-04-15, 2024-09-22
    Packer : active, 2023-06-02, 2024-09-21
    Vagrant-templates : active, 2023-06-12, 2024-09-21
    Knowledge-Base : active, 2023-11-22, 2024-09-29
    HariSekhon : active, 2024-08-14, 2024-10-02
    GitHub-Commit-Times-Graph : active, 2024-09-07, 2024-09-08
    GitHub-Repos-MermaidJS-Gantt-Chart : active, 2024-10-02, 2024-10-02

Samples Revamped

These are reworked from Python diagrams and Cloudgram examples.

AWS Load Balanced Web Farm

AWS Clustered Web Services

Advanced Web Services Open Source

GCP Pub/Sub Analytics

AWS Event Processing

AWS Serverless Image Processing

Build from Source

Install D2, Graphviz, Python3 and 'diagrams' pip module:

git clone diagrams

cd diagrams

make install

Create all the .png and .svg diagrams in the images/ dir:


Generate only the D2 svg diagrams:

make d2

Generate only the Python png diagrams:

make py

Create any single D2 diagram by running the d2 script file:


Create any single Python diagram and have it open automatically by running the python script file:



The templates/diagram.d2 and templates/ show the basics of each language.

They are a good starting point for creating your own diagrams, and come pre-loaded with many useful icons, links to docs and links to icon sets.

Star History

Star History Chart

More Core Repos


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DevOps Code

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Readme Card Readme Card


Readme Card

DevOps Reloaded

Readme Card Readme Card Readme Card Readme Card Readme Card


Readme Card Readme Card


Readme Card Readme Card

The rest of my original source repos are here.

Pre-built Docker images are available on my DockerHub.