Assembly language is a low-level programming language (LLL) for a computer or any other programmable devices specific to a particular computer architecture in contrast to most high-level programming languages (HLLs), which are generally portable across multiple systems. Assembly language can be generally converted to Machine language with the use of compilers such as QTSpim.
QTSpim is a MIPS and MIPS32 process simulator designed to run Assembly language code for this specific computer architecture. The simulator comes with an elementary Operating System (OS). The OS acts in accordance with the values present in specific registers. It also provides a simple debugger and minimal set of services for the Operating System (OS).
We have created an assembly language code for Grocery Management System using Switch model using QTSpim as the code’s process simulator. Since, the code is in assembly language, the code’s execution time is extremely low and it is memory-efficient.
We have all used grocery stores our entire life and this experience gives one a basic understanding of how the Grocery system operates. This project will focus on small aspect of the Grocery enterprise simulating a customer buying items by selecting them as if taking them from the shelves.
The main objective of our Project on Grocery Management System is to manage the details of Grocery and customers who have visited the store. It is designed in such a way that it is system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative. Our project is mainly focused to be implemented on Small-scale grocery stores so that there falls no error.
- It manages the information of the Customers
- It tracks all the information of Groceries available at stock
- It displays the information and description of the Grocery purchased by the Customer
- Enter the Item’s Code which the customer wants to purchase as the Input first.
- Then, enter the Customer details such as Customer’s name, Mobile number.
- Now, the Item code which the customer entered first and the Item details will be displayed using If else logic.
- Enter the Amount paid for the item purchased by the Customer.
- The Balance amount to be returned to the customer is calculated using the conditions provided in the Switch Case logic.
- Then the Balance amount is displayed at last.
Though our Project is designed with a scope of helping only Small-scale Grocery stores, we still can develop the project and improve the efficiency of the system, which includes:
- Add a Printer in future so that we can generate Bills immediately once the user completes his purchase
- Host the platform on Online Servers to make it accessible Worldwide
- A Password system to initiate Billing process The above mentioned points are the enhancements which can be done to increase the applicability and usage of this project. We hope that the project will serve its purpose for which it is developed thereby underlining success of process.