This is a collection of simple and easy-to-read program, for Iris dataset classification. These are some different types of libraries available so that you can see the difference between one and another for the same usage.
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using Keras (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using Lasagne (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset without external library (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset without external library (No-hidden layer model)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using Scikit-learn-MLPClassifier (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using PyTorch (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using Tensorflow (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)
- Simple Neural Net for Iris dataset using Tensorflow Estimator (Multilayer perceptron model, with one hidden layer)