Student Feedback System in Python (Flask) with Mysql db
6th sem diploma CSE mega project
Clone the repository using git clone command: bash git cd Mega-Project
Create a virtual environment and activate it: python3 -m venv env Linux or Mac : source env/bin/activate Windows: .\env\Scripts\activate.ps1
Install all required packages by running pip install command in your terminal or cmd: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application from terminal or cmd: example:"c:/Users/HARSH/OneDrive/Desktop/OUR_SYSTEM/new/ "
- Fork this repo (Click on the fork button on top of this page)
- Make changes in your forked repository
- After making changes, click on compare & pull request.
- Then add appropriate title and description about what you have done.
- Click create pull request after adding everything.
- Wait until I review your code and merge it into main branch.
- If there are any conflicts then resolve them.
- Once merged, you will see that your name is added under contributors list.
- You can also see how much time you spent on this project in the graph below Contribution Graph.
The project structure is as follows: