A cross-platform app which helps users to run high specification applications on Low Specs Devices, by streaming our application on Client Devices and Processing all it in remote Cloud or local Servers
An application that helps users to stream complex applications in their local network, STREAMit primarily uses WebRtc and WebSockets protocol (as a fallback) to transfer streams between multiple devices.
Generally when one tries to stream a high end application like game on a low spec device ,like heavy games needed a lot of data to be processed at once that requires faster processing CPUs ,which leads to terrible user experience.Our application works similar to SHAREit or Snapdrop but uses web technologies to eliminate the process of installing native apps for different devices and operating systems,we have a progressive web app which helps clients to use our product on all platforms or they can even use our electron app for streaming whatever they want. Suppose wants to play Mario,so user can remotely play that using STREAMit or any cpu extensive application that can be done on client device,can be processed on the local or cloud server.
React, node.js (Signalling Server), Electron Desktop/Lite React Server [ Similar to game server ],Socket.io,WebRTC
Video of the project and if it is ready completely you can deploy it that can help the judges to evaluate. It can also create a good impression
npm install
inside directory named SIGNALLING SERVERnode index.js
to start the SIGNALLING SERVER- And move to
npm install
inside directory named pwa-appnpm start
to start PWA-APP- For Development for Web Host ( Peer 1)
a. Go to
route of the PWA_APP - For Development for Web Client (Peer 2)
b. Go to
route of PWA_APP - And move to
- Run below command to install packages
ornpm install
- Run below command to start Electron Desktop Server
yarn start
ornpm start