Please install the following:
- Ruby
- Feel free to use RVM or Rbenv (recommended) for version management
- NodeJS
- Feel free to use NVM or Nodenv (recommended) for version management
In order to run the project in development, you'll need to install the required RubyGems, NPM modules, and set up your Postgres database:
bundle install
yarn install
rails db:setup
Problems getting everything setup? Check for the following gem problems
We use linters for static code analysis. I would highly encourage you to consider using them for all coding projects, not just this one.
You can use the following command to install our linters for Atom, our preferred code editor:
apm install linter linter-eslint linter-rubocop language-babel
We use RuboCop as our ruby linter.
Run the following to install RubyCop globally:
gem install rubocop
A rails command is included to start up if it isn't running already and then start the Rails app with Puma at http://localhost:3000.
rails s
Our Application runs tests via Minitest, and runs those tests on every commit via Github Actions.
Minitest tests can be found in the test directory.