This is a simple barcode scanner application made using React Native CLI with React Native Camera.
You can watch live working demo of this application on my channel: Please hit subscribe and press the bell icons for more videos, tutorials and demos in React Native. Thank you
If you want to run this code on your side then follow these steps:
- Download or pull this repository using Git
- Open terminal and navigate inside the project folder
- Run this command npm install
- Run this command cd ios && pod install && cd - (Only applicable for Mac users)
- Run this command react-native run-android to run the application on Android device or emulator OR this command react-native run-ios to run the application on Simulator. If you are find any difficulty in installation, you can contact me. If you want help in any other issue of react native or want more codes then you can let me know on my email.
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A simple hybrid application can be use to scan any barcode un the World. It is made using React Native CLI. The main dependency use in it is "React Native Camera".
User can scan any barcode and able to see the results using this application
These are main screens in this application:
Main Dependencies are:
- React Native Camera
- React Navgation
Main Components are:
- Root Navigator
Main Screens are:
- Splash
- Scan
- Result
These screen's flow is well managed by React Navigation's Stack navigator using above file Root Navigator.