- To provide a centralized and organized platform for managing freelance work and internships within the university community.
- To improve communication and tracking for clients and freelancers.
- To increase reliability and responsiveness in the system.
- To promote clarity and responsibility in the management of freelance orders, internships, and skill development opportunities.
- To make it easier for university students and alumni to find freelance work and internships opportunities
- To help clients to find suitable freelancers and interns faster and more effectively.
2 Types of Users in Freelance Work Portal: -> Freelancers -> Clients
2 Types of Users in the Internship Portal: -> Job Seeker -> Employer
1 type of user in the Online Forum: -> Users can discuss interview questions, and relevant jobs and ask questions to obtain relevant information.
Advanced search capabilities:
Job matching:
Profile management: From a job seeker’s perspective
Proposal management: Submit Proposal
Payment and invoicing: Receiving payment
Messaging and collaboration tools:
Profile management: Client profile
Reviews and ratings: Provide reviews
Review proposals:
Messaging and collaboration tools:
Skill-based freelance searching based on keywords
Posting and Searching Job
Job matching:
Profile management: From a job seeker’s perspective
Proposal management: Submit Proposal
Messaging and collaboration tools:
Online discussion platform related to jobs and internships.