download miniconda for python 3
conda create -n webenv python=3
source activate webenv
pip install -e .
manually install all the requirements in conda
Install waitress
conda install -c conda-forge waitress
Run the webserver
waitress-serve --listen --call
Located in /yabbi/blueprints/page/templates/page/home.html
Located in /yabbi/static/scripts
Located in /yabbi/blueprints/page/
Located in /yabbi/blueprints/action/
yabbi/static/scripts/main.js is the entry point for the client - it sends an ajax request for the "/get_info" url, which returns data in the format: data[pointIndex][0] = x coordinate data[pointIndex][1] = y coordinate data[pointIndex][2] = z coordinate data[pointIndex][3] = currently the strain value of the coordinate.
On success the ajax call: First time- initializes three.js visualisation Calls an update on the three.js visualisation (position and color) Calls runSummaryVis which updates the 2d graph visualisations. Finally, calls itself - looping the update process.