Log parsing and forwarding to an InfluxDB database for logs from Bruker Amazon SL using Telegraf and Fluent-Bit.
The goal is to have real-time and historical monitoring of the Bruker's logbooks so that machine performance and status can be evaluated.
Download the telegraf distribution for windows.
Download the Fluent-Bit td-agent, vc_redist.x64.exe, vc_redist.x86.exe, Win32OpenSSL-1_0_2s.exe, nssm-2.24.zip, parsers.conf, and fluent.conf from this repository.
Either download the telegraf.conf configuration file from the github repo for the lab system you wish to setup or grab the telegraf.conf file you created in the Config File Setup.
Run the Fluent-Bit td-agent, vc_redist.x64.exe, vc_redist.x86.exe, and Win32OpenSSL-1_0_2s.exe files and reboot.
Place the fluent.conf and parsers.conf in
C:\Program Files\td-agent-bit\bin
Create the directory
C:\Program Files\Telegraf
Place both the telegraf.exe that was downloaded in step 1 and the config file downloaded in step 3 into
C:\Program Files\Telegraf
Extract nssm-2.24.zip and place the files in a location where it will not be moved.
As administrator open command prompt, navigate to the location where you extracted nssm-2.24. There will be both a 32-bit and 64-bit folder, selection the appropiate one for your system. Run the following command.
./nssm.exe install Fluent-Bit
- Edit the prompt that appears to match below.
- As administrator run powershell and run the command
C:\"Program Files"\Telegraf\telegraf.exe --service install
To start telegraf run the command
net start telegraf
Open up the Windows Services menu and start the created Fluent-Bit service.
- Running Telegraf as a Windows service - Official Documentation