The Web Site of ServiceComb is based on Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme.
As this website is using the gitpubsub and we use Jekyll to generate the site. We choose master branch to hold all the site source change and asf-site for apache gitpubsub. Please sent your PR to the master branch instead of asf-site.
Change to non-root user
Install Jekyll and Bundler
sudo gem install jekyll bundler
Clone the site files
git clone
cd incubator-servicecomb-website
Install the gems with bundle
sudo bundle install
Start the jekyll server
sudo bundle exec jekyll server
Start web browser to access
Switch to asf-site branch
git checkout asf-site
Merge the changes of master branch
git merge master
Generate the website static pages
bundle exec jekyll build
Commit the changes into git repo
git add content
git commit -m "publish website"
Note that tested versions of the tools covered in this section are as following,
- Ruby 2.3
- Gem 2.7.6
- Bundler 2.3
The website supports English now and English is used as the default language.
Things to be cautious:
There are two language labels: en and cn.
- When you write a post, add the following front matters under the title(if you write an Chinese post):
And remember to add the prefix /cn to your permalink, e.g. before:
lang: cn ref: unique_post_ref_just_like_the_url
after:permalink: /about/me/
Besides, if contents of your post contains links to the Chinese version of pages, remember to add the prefix /cn before the link. e.g. /about/community/ becomes /cn/about/community/ Notes: English Posts do not need to add any prefixes as it's the default language.permalink: /cn/about/me/
- When you add items in _data/navigation.yml file, remember to add both English and Chinese version of that links.
- If you want to provide both English and Chinese versions of your bio in your blogs, add biocn property in _data/authors.yml.
- Posts of Chinese Language please put under the cn folder. It is just a good convention and won't affect what your posts suppose to be whether or not you obey this rule.
Add the annotation {: .figure-caption}
below the Image Caption line as follows:
![image alt text](image_path)
Image Caption
{: .figure-caption}