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Helix Sandbox NG

Helix Sandbox Next Generation


The Helix Sandbox NG (Next Generation) is a back-end platform for prototyping IoT applications and smart environments certified by the FIWARE Foundation in 2018. Introducing an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, a simplified installation process that performs the rapid orchestration of the main Generic Enablers and empowers integration and interoperability with the largest number of IoT devices and technologies.

Designed to fasten the development of PoCs (Proof of Concept), MVPs (Minimum Viable Product), accelerate IoT learning by undergraduate and graduate students, enhance scientific research and experimental applications in the areas of Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, agrifood, logistics, ports, retail, home, health and content with minimal cost and computational resources. The Sandbox is free to use for educational propose and grants 90 days of free use for commercial applications.

The lightweight approach based on microservices is capable of run with low investment in any CSP (Cloud Service Providers), hypervisor or on your own machine. The architecture integrates the new generation of the powerful CEF Context Broker (Orion Context Broker), which enables a new generation of applications for intelligent environments, exploring context information on a large scale and in run-time, with an emphasis on interoperability based on the NGSIv2 API defined by ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and that integrates the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility).

The platform natively supports HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) protocols through the embedded integration of Eclipse-Mosquitto, suitable for use with low power devices.

Give your smart environment application the ability to analyse, share, manage and use in real time at right time!

We crossed Jupiter's orbit!



Requirements, Installation and Maintenance

Requirements & Installation

Start, Stop and Reset




Helix First access

CEF Context Broker - Setup

Eclipse-Mosquitto - Setup

Change your password

Additional Resources

Creating smart devices with NGSI

Creating smart devices with MQTT

Helix app for Android developed by SMIT

App IoT MQTT Panel for Android

CEF Context Broker (Orion Context Broker - API walkthrough)

Smart Data Models - New

FIWARE - Postman Collections

FIWARE - Entity Relationships - Postman Collections - New

FIWARE - NGSIv2 Tutorial

FIWARE - NGSIv2 Specification

Dashboard with Node-RED

Dashboard with

NodeMCU to Helix

ESP32 to Helix - New

NodeMCU send luminosity by MQTT to Helix - New

Python code examples

Helix Broker a lightweight NGSI Broker for edge computing - New

Academic Papers

Helix SandBox: An Open Platform to Fast Prototype Smart Environments Applications - IEEExplore

Intelligent OpenRAN orchestration assisted by a Reinforcement Learning Resource Management policy - IEEExplore

Enabling the Industrial Internet of Things to Cloud Continuum in a Real City Environment - Sensors

Helix Multi-layered: a multi-level context broker federation to establish the cloud-to-things continuum - Teses USP - New

Helix Multi‑layered: a context broker federation for an efficient cloud‑to‑things continuum - Annals of Telecommunications - New

Arquiteturas de Fog Computing para Internet das Coisas Baseadas nas Plataformas FIWARE e HELIX - FTT Journal

Implementação de um Sistema de Blockchain para Integridade de Informações de Contexto Distribuídas em Brokers Federados - Fasci-tech

Smart Bike: Plataforma Aberta para Monitoramento e Gestão de Transporte Urbano baseado em Bicicletas Elétricas e IoT - Fasci-tech

Modelo de Rastreabilidade de Medicamentos de Alto Custo no Sistema Público de Saúde (CARE) - Fasci-tech

Smart Baby: Aplicação dos Conceitos da Internet das Coisas (IoT) para Prevenção de Acidentes na Infância - FTT Journal

GitHub Projects

SecureFiware CoAP with DTLS

C.A.R.E Blockchain

Helix with IDM, PEP Proxy and AuthZForce - New

Our Story

Helix Sandbox Release Mars v0.0.2 - Old

© Helix Platform 2022, All rights reserved.

Helix for a better world!