Ring middleware for Okta Single Sign-on.
[ring-okta "0.1.6"]
compile "ring-okta:ring-okta:0.1.6"
Since Okta doesn't publish the SAML Toolkit for Java, you must
download it
You then must mvn install
it to your local maven repository. Check
the project.clj
for the version of the SAML Toolkit to download from Okta.
(ns com.company.core
(:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
[compojure.route :as route]
[ring.middleware.okta :refer [wrap-okta okta-routes]]))
(defroutes company-routes
(GET "/" [] "<h1>Hello World</h1>")
(route/not-found "<h1>Page not found</h1>"))
(def app
(-> company-routes
(wrap-okta {:okta-home "https://company.okta.com"})))
The documentation is built with codox (lein doc
) and published to
the gh-pages branch.
The test coverage summary is built with cloverage (lein cloverage
As described in Usage above, the Okta SAML Toolkit must be downloaded and installed to your local maven repository. When updating this dependency, here is how you can install the downloaded jar:
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=saml-toolkit.jar -DgroupId=com.okta -DartifactId=saml-toolkit -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=<version> -DcreateChecksum=true -DupdateReleaseInfo=true -DgeneratePom=true -DlocalRepositoryPath=/path/to/localRepo
The lein doc
command is configured in project.clj
to output documentation to ../ring-okta-doc
. This should be configured to be the gh-pages
branch so the API docs can be hosted on GitHub.
|- ring-okta
|- ring-okta-doc
Once lein doc
is run in ring-okta
, you can commit the changes in ring-okta-doc
to the gh-pages
branch of this repository.
Copyright © 2015 Hendrick Automotive Group
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.