The central ledger is a series of services that facilitate clearing and settlement of transfers between DFSPs, including the following functions:
- Brokering real-time messaging for funds clearing
- Maintaining net positions for a deferred net settlement
- Propagating scheme-level and off-transfer fees
The following documentation represents the services, APIs and endpoints responsible for various ledger functions.
See the Onboarding guide for running the service locally.
The Central Ledger has many options that can be configured through environment variables.
Environment variable | Description | Example values |
CLEDG_DATABASE_URI | The connection string for the database the central ledger will use. Postgres is currently the only supported database. | postgres://<username>:<password>@localhost:5432/central_ledger |
CLEDG_PORT | The port the API server will run on. | 3000 |
CLEDG_ADMIN_PORT | The port the Admin server will run on. | 3001 |
CLEDG_HOSTNAME | The URI that will be used to create and validate links to resources on the central ledger. | http://central-ledger |
CLEDG_ENABLE_BASIC_AUTH | Flag to enable basic auth protection on endpoints that require authorization. Username and password would be the account name and password. | false |
CLEDG_ENABLE_TOKEN_AUTH | Flag to enable token protection on endpoints that require authorization. To create a token, reference the API documentation. | false |
CLEDG_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_NAME | Name of the account setup to receive fees owed to the central ledger. If the account doesn't exist, it will be created on start up. | LedgerName |
CLEDG_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD | Password of the account setup to receive fees owed to the central ledger. | LedgerPassword |
CLEDG_ADMIN_KEY | Key used for admin access to endpoints that require validation. | AdminKey |
CLEDG_ADMIN_SECRET | Secret used for admin access to endpoints that require validation. Secret also used to sign JWTs used for Admin API. | AdminSecret |
CLEDG_TOKEN_EXPIRATION | Time in milliseconds for Admin API tokens to expire. | 3600000 |
CLEDG_EXPIRES_TIMEOUT | Time in milliseconds to determine how often transfer expiration process runs. | 5000 |
CLEDG_AMOUNT__PRECISION | Numeric value used to determine precision recorded for transfer amounts on this ledger. | 10 |
CLEDG_AMOUNT__SCALE | Numeric value used to determine scale recorded for transfer amounts on this ledger. | 2 |
For endpoint documentation, see the API documentation.
For help preparing and executing transfers, see the Transfer Guide
Logs are sent to standard output by default.
Tests include unit, functional, and integration.
Running the tests:
npm run test:all
Tests include code coverage via istanbul. See the test/ folder for testing scripts.