You could experience a high amount of 502, 503 or 504 currently, the reason for that is that the RiotClient randomly stopps the Connection to the Chat Servers since Version 24.1, i'm activly working on a workaround
Unofficial Valorant API by scraping data from the Valorant Tracker Network page
See the current status of the API here:
All rate limits are the same for every endpoint, so in general you have 200 Requests every 2 Minutes. Your rate limit is based on your IP so you don't need an API Key for authentication. If you exceed rate limit you will get following JSON with 429 Status Code:
"status": "429",
"message": "You reached your Rate Limit, please try again later"
The documention for the API is available under
The base url is
Available regions: eu, ap, na, kr
Available countrycodes: en-us, en-gb, de-de, es-es, fr-fr, it-it, ru-ru, tr-tr, es-mx, ja-jp, ko-kr, pt-br
Available match endpoints are:
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/live-match/{name}/{tag}
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ - [Tracker] /valorant/v1/matches/{name}/{tag}
- [Tracker] /valorant/v1/matches/{name}/{tag}?filter={competitive, deathmatch, spikerush, unrated}
- [Tracker] /valorant/v1/match/{match-id}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/live-match/{name}/{tag}
Available profile/player endpoints are:
- [Tracker] /valorant/v1/profile/{name}/{tag}
- [Tracker] /valorant/v2/profile/{name}/{tag}
- [Tracker] /valorant/v2/profile/{name}/{tag}?filter={e2a1, e1a3, e1a2, e1a1}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/puuid/{name}/{tag}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/mmr/{region}/{name}/{tag}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/mmr-history/{region}/{name}/{tag}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/by-puuid/mmr/{region}/{puuid}
Available utility endpoints are:
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/leaderboard/{region}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/status/{region}
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/content
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/store-offers
- [Ingame] /valorant/v1/store-featured
- [Website] /valorant/v1/website/{countrycode}
- [Website] /valorant/v1/website/{countrycode}?filter={game_updates, dev, esports, announcements}
Deprecated endpoints are:
- [Tracker] /valorant/v1/rank/{name}/{tag} ❌
- [Ingame] /valorant/v2/matches/{name}/{tag} ❌ [DEPRECATED BECAUSE OF ABUSING]
- [Ingame] /valorant/v2/by-puuid/matches/{region}/{puuid} ❌ [DEPRECATED BECAUSE OF ABUSING]
- VALORANT DE Discord Rolesystem
- ✅ 1000 Successful profile / mmr / matches / match / leaderboard / status requests
- ✅ 2500 Successful profile / mmr / matches / leaderboard / status requests
- ✅ 5000 Successful profile / mmr / leaderboard requests
This API isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.
Thanks to @liamcottle and @RumbleMike, without them the Ingame part of this API would be not available
Also would be happy if you give the project a star and give credit when you use it. If you wanna help me to pay the windows server instance (5€ per month) to get data from the Ingame API or even the general server, you can help us over the donation link from my hoster: Link.
If you have any questions write on Discord: Henrik3#1451.