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[ICCV2023] Official code for "VL-PET: Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning via Granularity Control"


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Official code for "VL-PET: Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning via Granularity Control" (ICCV2023)

Authors: Zi-Yuan Hu1,3, Yanyang Li1, Michael R. Lyu1 and Liwei Wang*1,2 (*Corresponding Author)

1The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2Centre for Perceptual and Interactive Intelligence
3Shanghai AI Laboratory

Project page (with more details and fun fact of our logo): [VL-PET](


As the model size of pre-trained language models (PLMs) grows rapidly, full fine-tuning becomes prohibitively expensive for model training and storage. In vision-and-language (VL), parameter-efficient tuning (PET) techniques are proposed to integrate modular modifications (e.g., Adapter and LoRA) into encoder-decoder PLMs. By tuning a small set of trainable parameters, these techniques perform on par with full fine-tuning. However, excessive modular modifications and neglecting the functionality gap between the encoders and decoders can lead to performance degradation, while existing PET techniques (e.g., VL-Adapter) overlook these critical issues.

In this paper, we propose a Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning (VL-PET) framework to impose effective control over modular modifications via a novel granularity-controlled mechanism. Considering different granularity-controlled matrices generated by this mechanism, a variety of model-agnostic VL-PET modules can be instantiated from our framework for better efficiency and effectiveness trade-offs. We further propose lightweight PET module designs to enhance VL alignment and modeling for the encoders and maintain text generation for the decoders.

Extensive experiments conducted on four image-text tasks and four video-text tasks demonstrate the efficiency, effectiveness and transferability of our VL-PET framework. In particular, our VL-PET-large with lightweight PET module designs significantly outperforms VL-Adapter by 2.92% (3.41%) and LoRA by 3.37% (7.03%) with BART-base (T5-base) on image-text tasks. Furthermore, we validate the enhanced effect of employing our VL-PET designs on existing PET techniques, enabling them to achieve significant performance improvements.

VL-PET Framework


Quick Start

1. Installation

conda create -n vlpet
conda activate vlpet
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -c "import language_evaluation;'coco')"
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More details about the installation:

GPU: A100 (80GB)
Driver Version: 470.129.06
CUDA Version: 11.4
python: 3.8.13
torch: 1.8.0+cu111
torchvision: 0.9.0+cu111
transformers: 4.2.1

2. Dataset Preparation

You are recommended to follow the dataset downloading instruction of VL-Adapter.

The following is the file structure of the datasets for your convenience:

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datasets/    <= for dataset downloading, please refer to VL-Adapter
    ├── COCO
    │   └── clip_features
    ├── GQA
    │   └── clip_features
    ├── lxmert
    ├── nlvr
    │   └── clip_features
    ├── paragraphs
    ├── VG
    │   └── clip_features
    ├── video
    │   ├── ann
    │   │   ├── how2qa
    │   │   ├── how2r
    │   │   ├── tvc
    │   │   ├── tvqa
    │   │   ├── tvr
    │   │   ├── yc2c
    │   │   └── yc2r
    │   └── vis_features
    │       ├── how2
    │       │   └── clip-vit
    │       ├── tv
    │       │   └── clip-vit
    │       └── yc2
    │           └── clip-vit
    └── vqa

3. Training & Evaluation (VL-PET-large)

Taking VL-PET-large as an example, we can conduct training and evaluation on different tasks as follows:

  • VL-PET-large on image-text tasks (BART-base)

    # VL-PET-large on image-text tasks (BART-base)
    bash scripts/image-text/ 20000 96 4 96 96 1e-3 42
    Click for more details...

    The content of scripts/image-text/

    echo $model
    if [ $model == "t5" ]
    elif [ $model == "bart" ]
    echo $folder_prefix
    echo $backbone
    python -m torch.distributed.launch \
        --nproc_per_node=1 \
        --master_port=$1 \
        src/${task}.py \
        --distributed --multiGPU \
        --optim adamw \
        --warmup_ratio 0.1 \
        --clip_grad_norm 5 \
        --lr ${lr} \
        --epochs 20 \
        --num_workers 4 \
        --backbone ${backbone} \
        --output $output \
        --num_beams 5 \
        --batch_size ${batch_size} \
        --valid_batch_size ${batch_size} \
        --reduction_factor 8 \
        --use_tasks_prompts \
        --tasks "vqa,gqa,nlvr,caption" \
        --feature ${feature} --n_boxes 36 --downsample \
        --image_size "(224,224)" \
        --run_name $name \
        --use_adapter \
        --use_single_adapter \
        --no_encoder_adapter \
        --use_adapter_down_dim \
        --use_encoder_adapter_down_multihead \
        --adapter_down_dim $2 \
        --encoder_adapter_multihead_num_head $3 \
        --use_encoder_adapter_gating_large_x_lowrank \
        --adapter_gating_down_dim $4 \
        --unfreeze_encoder_layer_norms \
        --no_decoder_adapter \
        --use_decoder_enc_attn_value_parallel_adapter_down_dim \
        --decoder_enc_attn_value_parallel_adapter_down_dim $5 \
        --seed $7

    Since our code is built upon VL-Adapter, some arguments of VL-Adapter have been preserved for the convenience of conducting extensive experiments.

    For the arguments of the running command, you can refer to src/ The following is the description of some selected arguments:

    backbone="facebook/bart-base" # use bart-base, hidden dimension d = 768
    batch_size=500  # batch size
    feature=RN101 # visual features
    --lr ${lr} # learning rate
    --warmup_ratio 0.1 # warmup ratio
    --epochs 20 # training epochs
    --output $output # to store the results
    --use_tasks_prompts # use task prompts
    --tasks "vqa,gqa,nlvr,caption" # multi-task learning
    --seed $7 # use three different seeds, such as 42, 43 and 9595
    # use shared-weight adapter-like modules
    # for encoder VL-PET module
    # encoders: r = 96, s = 1.0, N_h= 4
    --adapter_down_dim $2 
    --encoder_adapter_multihead_num_head $3 
    --adapter_gating_down_dim $4 
    # for decoder VL-PET module
    # decoders: r = 96, s = 1.0, N_h= 1
    --decoder_enc_attn_value_parallel_adapter_down_dim $5 
  • VL-PET-large on image-text tasks (T5-base)

    # VL-PET-large on image-text tasks (T5-base)
    bash scripts/image-text/ 20001 192 4 192 0.3 96 3e-4 42
  • VL-PET-large on video-text tasks (BART-base)

    # VL-PET-large on video-text tasks (BART-base)
    bash scripts/video-text/ 20002 96 4 96 96 7e-4 20 42

Code Structure

The following is the file structure of VL-PET project for your convenience:

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./datasets/  <= the details are listed in the section of Dataset Preparation

    ├── src/    <= store code implementation for VL-PET and state-of-the-art baselines based on BART-base and T5-base
    └── scripts
        ├── image-text    <= store scripts for running on image-text tasks
        └── scripts/video-text    <= store scripts for running on video-text tasks

Running Command

For other experiments, we can replace VL-PET-large in the .sh file name with VL-PET-middleX, VL-PET-middleY, VL-PET-small, full_finetuning, bitfit and so on. The details of the hyper-parameters are reported in the appendix of our paper.

1. VL-PET-large

Please refer to Quick Start.

2. VL-PET-middleX

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# VL-PET-middleX on image-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20000 96 4 96 1e-3 42

# VL-PET-middleX on image-text tasks (T5-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20001 192 4 0.3 96 3e-4 42

# VL-PET-middleX on video-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/video-text/ 20002 96 4 96 7e-4 20 42

3. VL-PET-middleY

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# VL-PET-middleY on image-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20000 96 4 96 1e-3 42

# VL-PET-middleY on image-text tasks (T5-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20001 192 4 0.3 96 3e-4 42

# VL-PET-middleY on video-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/video-text/ 20002 96 4 96 7e-4 20 42

4. VL-PET-small

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# VL-PET-small on image-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20000 96 4 96 1e-3 42

# VL-PET-small on image-text tasks (T5-base)
bash scripts/image-text/ 20001 192 4 0.3 96 3e-4 42

# VL-PET-small on video-text tasks (BART-base)
bash scripts/video-text/ 20002 96 4 96 7e-4 20 42

5. Baselines

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For baselines (e.g., full fine-tuning, VL-Adapter, compacter and so on), please refer to VL-Adapter and Ladder-Side-Tuning.

Checkpoints & Logs

We provide checkpoints & logs for BART-base on image-text tasks as follows:

Method Params (%) VQA (%) GQA (%) NLVR$^2$ (%) COCO (CIDEr) Avg. Checkpoints & Logs
VL-PET-small 2.98 65.36 54.08 72.50 121.07 78.25 Link
VL-PET-middleX 2.98 65.45 54.37 72.86 121.09 78.44 Link
VL-PET-middleY 2.98 65.53 54.08 73.92 120.20 78.43 Link
VL-PET-large 4.16 66.40 54.94 73.36 122.11 79.20 Link


This work benefits from VL-Adapter, Ladder-Side-Tuning and unify-parameter-efficient-tuning. Our logo is borrowed from OpenMoji. Thanks for their awesome works!


If you find VL-PET useful for your research, please consider giving this repository a star and citing our paper as follows:

  title     = {VL-PET: Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning via Granularity Control},
  author    = {Zi-Yuan Hu, Yanyang Li, Michael R. Lyu and Liwei Wang},
  booktitle = {ICCV},
  year      = {2023}


[ICCV2023] Official code for "VL-PET: Vision-and-Language Parameter-Efficient Tuning via Granularity Control"







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