Provides backend support for ttrss_opencc, based on BYVoid/OpenCC.
Requires node-gyp, checkout the installation guide for your OS, then:
git clone && npm install --production && npm start
Or spare yourself all the trouble:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --restart=always wangqiru/opencc-api-server
There are 10 conversion schemes available in OpenCC:
: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese 简体到繁体t2s
: Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese 繁体到简体s2tw
: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) 简体到台湾正体tw2s
: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese 台湾正体到简体s2hk
: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) 简体到香港繁体(香港小学学习字词表标准)hk2s
: Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Standard) to Simplified Chinese 香港繁体(香港小学学习字词表标准)到简体s2twp
: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) with Taiwanese idiom 简体到繁体(台湾正体标准)并转换爲台湾常用词彙tw2sp
: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan Standard) to Simplified Chinese with Mainland Chinese idiom 繁体(台湾正体标准)到简体并转换爲中国大陆常用词彙t2tw
: Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Taiwan Standard 繁体(OpenCC 标准)到台湾正体t2hk
: Traditional Chinese (OpenCC Standard) to Hong Kong Standard 繁体(OpenCC 标准)到香港繁体(香港小学学习字词表标准)
In order to use t2hk
, the address you post to should be http://localhost:3000/t2hk
Conversion scheme t2s
will be used if don't specify any.
, text to convert, optionalcontent
, text to convert, optional
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:3000/t2s \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'title=繁體中文(中國大陸、澳門、馬新常稱繁體中文,台灣常稱正體中文或繁體中文)\
**data should be urlencode-ed**
"title": "繁体中文(中国大陆、澳门、马新常称繁体中文,台湾常称正体中文或繁体中文)",
"content": "实际上,两岸三地的繁体中文出版物并不拘泥于本地标准,有时使用其他字形和异体字是很频繁的。"