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Haru edited this page Oct 19, 2016 · 1 revision

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 int '''clif_authfail_fd'''(int fd, int type);


  • fd - Socket descriptor (connection handle) of the connection to disconnect.
  • type - Indicates, which message should be displayed on the client upon disconnection.
    • 1 - Server closed.
    • 2 - Someone already logged into this ID.
    • 3 - You've been disconnected due to a time delay between you and the server.
    • 4 - Server is jammed due to over population. Please try again shortly.
    • 5 - You are under-aged.
    • 8 - Server still recognizes your last log-in. Please try again after a few minutes.
    • 9 - IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Would you like to pay the personal base?
    • 10 - You are out of available time paid for. Game will be shut down automatically.
    • 15 - You have been forced to disconnect by the Game Master Team.
    • other - Disconnected from the server.


Notifies the client, that it is about being disconnected, usually due to authentication failure (thus the name). Causes the client to disconnect and display a message box depending on type.


 clif_authfail_fd(sd->fd, 15);

This would disconnect the player session and notify the player, that he or she has been kicked by a GM.


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