Hermes API is a programming interface to allow developers to write some plugins for Hermes Discord bots.
You need Java Environment 15 to compile your plugin.
Create a Java project in your favorite IDE. We recommand you to setup your project with Maven for facilities.
Add a file named plugin.yml
at the top root of your project or in the resources folder if you are using Maven, and fill it with your plugin informations.
name: <your plugin name>
main: <your package>.<your main class>
version: <your plugin version>
author: <your username>
description: <your plugin description>
Create a Java Class and extends it with Plugin class from the API package. By example :
public class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
Once your main is created, you've several methods to get started.
public class MyPlugin extends Plugin {
//When the plugin is loaded by Hermes
public void onLoad() {}
//When the plugin is enabled by Hermes
public void onEnable() {}
//When the plugin is disabled by Hermes
public void onDisable() {}
//When Hermes has no connected bots to serve your events and commands.
public void onNoTriggerer() {}
//When all the others plugins are enabled and everything is working fine. Usefull to hook into others plugins.
public void onPostStart() {}
The documentation is in progress. You can find all the documented methods in the javadoc of the project.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Massive thank you to everyone using Hermes ! Happy coding !