This is a command-line game written in Python.
This game is a text-based adventure game where the player must fight and defeat monsters in order to progress through the levels. The player must make strategic decisions on whether to attack, defend or heal during battles, and must also choose which monsters to fight in order to gain experience points and level up.
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repository
- Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt NOT REQUIRED AT THE MOMENT
- Run the game: python
- docker pull
- docker run -t -i -v /path/on/local:/saves DOCKER_IMAGE (This is to preserve your saves)
- Start the container and enjoy!
When you run the game, a main menu will appear with the following options:
New Game: start a new game
- If you select "New Game", you will be prompted to create a new player character.
Load Game: load a previously saved game
- If you select "Load Game", you will be prompted to select a previously saved game.
Exit: exit the game
- This option will exit the program.
After creating your character, you will enter the game and be presented with a menu of options:
- You'll fight A randomly chosen monster. After defeating a monster, you will gain experience points and level up if you have gained enough experience points.
- While at Home or in the Hospital, you'll have the option to heal your player back to full health.
Exit to Main Menu:
- This option will allow you to return to the Main Menu and saves the game. From there you can load a different Character or exit the game.
At the moment Gameplay is very limited. You can check the progress page to follow for future updates.