Welcome to Code First Girls!
To complete this excercise, click on the green 'Clone or Download' button on the top right, and select the 'Download ZIP' option.
Unzip the folder and move it into your coding_course folder. Then, open the whole folder in Atom.
Top tip! You can do this by dragging the folder onto the Atom icon on macs
Open the file 'example.html' in Chrome and look around with the developer tools. What HTML tags can you see, and what do you think they stand for?
Open the file 'index.html' in your text editor and in Chrome, change it into valid HTML file so that it looks like index_solution.jpg. Make sure to add the doctype, html, head and body tags!
Create a new file called 'html-cheatsheet.html'. In here write down all you can know about HTML and the different tags from the lesson and from the example page. Make sure to mark it all up with valid HTML, and make sure that it is properly indented!