This website was created during hackout'21 counducted by DAIICT(synapse). The team name was rookie_codurs.
In our web app college has old data of alumnies.
Alumni can visit the website and then he/she can first register him/her self where we have authenticate with the college data which we have stored into fire base.after registration he/she have to create a password for her/his profile so that in future he/she can directly go to their profile.
After login a alumni profile page will appear where every thing about him/her self will be give for exp: Passing Year , Work experience, current position, profile photo, and all . He/she can change any detail given there. This will be only for alumni other can't change the details. In the main page a search section is there where anyone can search for alumni by just typing passing year of alumni. They can watch alumni full profile.
Also there is a chat app what u can create a personal group and any one can join into that by that connections can increase and also there would be a event section where u can add any ceremony event details or and imp event so that every one can join that event .