site doesnt have any configured db for recording selected spots into db...
Now i do want to complete it. :) You guys can help me complete it, all you need to know are basics of front end, php and mysql.
- you will need to install XAMPP server:
- clone this repo in xampp/htdocs directory.
- run xampp, start apace server and mysql db.
- type localhost in your browser and hit enter.
- you can visit site by typing path of homepage: parkez/login-register/welcome.html
- you can open myphp admin for configuring databse:
a.create a new db named "login_register"
b.table name "users"
c.create 4 columns, named "id" (int) with idex as primary, "full_name" (varchar), "email" (varchar), "password" (varchar)... set lengths according to you...
d.hit save and you are good to go :)