Flash Morse is a simple app that allows you to flash your Morse code on your device. Besides flashing, you can also beep the message.
- Convert Text To Morse 💬
- Flash the converted text 🔦
- Beep the converted text 🔉
- Clear & Copy 📋
- Amal Thomas - @amalthomas-exe
- Sreelal TS - @heysreelal
Flutter / 83
We've made the user experience flow as simple as possible. The user can enter a text in the given field and the text will automatically get converted to morse code as they type. User is given two buttons to both Flash 🔦 and Beep 🔉 the converted morse code.
- Enter the text to be converted to morse in the input field.
- Click on the Flash 🔦 button to start flashing the converted morse code.
- Click on the Beep 🔊 to start beeping the converted morse code.
- Additionally, you can click on the Clear ❌ butotn to clear the input field. Or click on the Copy button to copy the converted morse code to the clipboard.
- torch_light - To access users' device flash light.
- audioplayers - To play beep sounds.
- fluttertoast - To show toast messages.
- animated_splash_screen - For a simple splash screen animation.
Follow the steps to configure:
- Clone the repo.
- Run
flutter pub get
in the root directory to install dependencies. - Run
flutter run
to run the app. - Or run
flutter build apk
to build the app.
Build this project for @TinkerHub's Co-Coder program - Flutter track. 🔥